It is in the region of 700 pounds/dollars/euros but then again it’s doing a lot. Not something that my playing warrants but I’m always interested to see tech like this. I’m sure in the right hands (not mine) it could do really clever things
The system translates your strings to 6 seperate things to manipulate. By turning it into a midi (or midi like) theoretical vector rather than an organic sound, you can easily change pitch and apply different effects to seperate strings.
I have pickup with 6 separate pickups in it; where I can root to a split cable and decide for each string whether its signal goes to output A, B or both. The sonic possibilities using 2 signal chains is already awesome. I could play bass with my bottom 2 strings or apply only reverb on top x strings etc.
This device takes it a few steps further, by translating them to a mathematical format, enabling you to play piano with a guitar. What was new to me, is mapping areas between frets as well, based on their pitch.
I have no need for this. My MOD Dwarf allows me to program stuff that triggers on certain notes and I map frequency ranges (soft transition or hard) to have different signal paths. I’m also selling a EHX Bassmachine pedal because I have reasonable results with my Dwarf.