Bought my first Epiphone, any advice?

As the title says, I recently bought my very first Epiphone! It’s a Les Paul Standard 60s (Iced Tea), and it’s also the first guitar I buy with my own money.
At first glance, it’s a beauty, the colour is stunning, and the sound is also incredible! (Compared to my 150€ Squier)
It might take some time to get used to the different feel of the Les Paul compared to my Strat, but apart from that, any advice on Epiphones or Les Pauls in general?


Just like any guitar, play it every day. Looks a beauty.


For sure.
Enjoy the heck out of it.
Congratulation on your new, beautiful guitar.

Other than that, consider using the vol and tone pots for ea. pup.
I get many tones out of my casino that has similar controls. For me, my favorite control setup.
I rarely play with my controls all on 10, which it seems many folks do and just forget they even have vol. and tone control on the guitar. This control layout yields infinite tone control imho.

fwiw, my acoustic is Epiphone too. The more I play my Epiphones, the more I like them… :wink:


Hi Crow,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
It is a beauty :smiley: :sunglasses:

Just play it every day ,and you used to it within days, but continue to enjoy it and keep look at it with the same feeling as today… :smiley:


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Happy NGD!!
She sure looks awesome!

One piece of advice might be to take it to a luthier (if you haven’t done so already) for a setup.


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That is beautiful!

I have Epiphone Studio LP. I find I almost never use the neck pickup so I keep volume to 0 on neck PU and volume at 10 on bridge pup, then you can use the “treble / rhythm” toggle as an on/off switch. That works pretty well but I think it is pretty common.

Other advice for switching from Squire is get some Nut Sauce or D’addario also makes a very similar lubricant for the nut and bridge there the string pulls through. Tuning can be an issue when the string pops through the channels there lubrication helps but it is not perfect.

To get the best tone from a LP is put the volume at 7 adjust the amp then fine tune with the volume.

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I love LPs. Epiphone is making pretty nice guitars these days, too.

Everybody likes different stuff, so I’m going to say just experiment with all the settings yours offers. It’ll keep you busy, that’s for sure.


Don’t drop it on its headstock!

I always liked that finish. Really pretty.
I’m only being a little funny with my comment, the Les Paul neck is famous for cracking at the headstock if it takes a hard hit. Be sure your strap is truly fastened! I need to test mine because I have found it not as secure as I expected on several occasions.


Hello Crow!
What a beautiful LP you have there!
Echoing what Michael says, be careful not to drop it… my Epi AlleyKat fell off it’s stand several years ago & the neck broke. The cost to get it fixed was more than I’d paid for it - so it ended up getting “parted out”… :face_exhaling:
Have fun with your new six-stringed buddy!!!


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They are generally cool, LP’s often have tuning issues with the G string, its the thickest unwound string and at the worst angle at the nut so some nut lube or something often helps

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Beautiful guitar.

Get it set up properly,so it feels good, then play play play every day :grinning:

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I have read about that actually, so I recently bought some strap locks just in case! Thanks for the advice :]

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That’s a beauty, congratulations!
This exact model in the same finish could’ve ended up being my first electric guitar, but the stock was limited and I ended up with Epi SG. Never regretted it, but I still want to get a Les Paul, there’s something special about this design.

For a great example of this, here is 1.5 minutes of Paul Reed Smith going over the tones you can get just by changing the knobs on a Custom 24 - same principle should apply to your beautiful new Epiphone/LP: