Brian from Canada

Just signed on for monthly after a single to pay it all forward and ongoing. I’ve got many moons behind me and playing since 15 back in the day circa ‘76. Did the ‘cellar dweller’ band thing for several years doing the Zep and rock thing. Put it down for a college and alternate direction before dabbling again off and on.

Recently retired and spent the last couple of years really expanding on learning all of the things I should have years ago. My playing is now at the doorstep of how I wished I could play and I’m looking to go into the unknown magic of future expressiveness.

This site looks really good - because it is! Justin’s teaching is amazing and I’m glad I took a closer look than a cursory peruse several + years back as there seems to be lots of great material for intermediate, ‘lost’ intermediate and more advanced players here.

Here we go.


Hi Brian,
I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Hey Brian, welcome to the community, a very good friend of mine is Canadian, great to have you involved. Look forward to hearing more from you.


Welcome to the forum Brian. There are quite a few of us Canadians here. :beers:


Wow, that’s really exciting to hear, Brian! Glad you’re here, and welcome!


Hello Brian and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Enjoy your guitar adventure.


Hello Brian and welcome to the community.

That sounds like a magical place to have arrived at as you look along a bright and interesting musical path. Good luck as you go.
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Moderator

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Thanks Richard. As you may know I’ve been perusing quite a lot of material including yours, C of 5’s, chord subs! and a bit of modal.

I’m on the verge of purchasing the theory module and may start with the 6 month offering. Of course, 6 months will not do in the end!

Very impressive site due to the material and presentation and even more so seeing the content and responsiveness of your more intermediate & advanced postings. Cheers.


Ok, great thanks for giving them your attention.
Comments and questions in the topics are always welcome.

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Hi Brian ! Nice to read you. I’m in JG group since last august an love it. A very nice, enthousiastic, supportive, kind group. Welcome in the community.


That sounds pretty damn good.


‘tis. Although it comes with the realization of all the years I missed…. Oh well, it was by choice and now I move forward.

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Brian, welcome to the community. I prefer to think of all the years I am not going to miss. I look forward to hear of your progress.