Brian Larsen - September 2022 - McArthur's Park + Karma Police

Aaa,From radiohead :upside_down_face:…had to look it up… :grin:

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That’s hard! Now I’m really touched :cry:

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Hi Andrea, … then only for the real frogs and other critters, right?
Then you score good Karma points… :sunglasses:
Greetings,… :sunflower:

Hi Andrea. @Helen0609 …I’ll just type it here otherwise it will be such a long thread by me…but I meant that you should not feel sad for the proverbial frogs…but for the real ones that have been killed by humans by not good to think about it…sorry for my unclear story :joy:


Hi, hi :sweat_smile: I’m a good girl, I would never do things like that :wink:


Guess i missed something Lol! Nice song brian! Is that a strat? Lovely guitar!

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I shall stay out of the chit-chat about being mean/sarcastic, or perhaps just dark side of the room leg-pulling, and karma. Suffice to say, I didn’t recognised the song and enjoyed your rendition, Brian.

Now I am wondering … is your guitar collection up to 4 now plus an amp, foot controllers, and Trio? Guess it is safe to say you are now in it for the long haul, and I’m ever so glad of that.

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Haha, moving on from yada yada chit chat with the original tags, I am slightly shocked that neither Roger nor @DavidP recognised this song :astonished:
It was one of the singles release from what was described by many as ‘one of the greatest albums of all time’, OK Computer by Radiohead (admittedly a quarter of a century ago).
Perhaps that says more about my performance than the song itself? :laughing:
Actually this is a good example of a song without any traditional rhyming structure and the words often don’t fall on the chord changes either. Genius.

@Bytron08 Cheers man, I bought it early this year and I love it. Strat style (I think) HSS, my go-to these days. Thinking about getting it some tattoos at the next string change :laughing:

It’s worse than that David- The Hagström, Harley Benton, Ibanez Gio, Fender acoustic (dumpster), Yamaha classical (‘signature’) and ukulele, 2 amps, footswitch & Trio+. And if I ever get bored I can have a go at one my son’s 2 bass, keyboard or drum kit…
I’m going nowhere fast and willl be with you for a while… :rofl:

Here’s the original which is well worth a spin

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Sorry Brian,

I do know this song :grin:

Even though it’s not in my playlist (which I never listen to anymore, I type in something specific and fill my playlists with potential guitar play music when practising,and to late for the stop button and think ‘nice one’ …or even morerrrr(?) stuff that you let me listen to :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:), but in the time I still listened to music radio (until about 4 years ago) this absolutely passed…I recognize it now…

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Well played and sung Brian. I haven’t heard that song in a very long time. I’m surprised too that @roger_holland never recognised that song. Maybe he would be more accustomed to some Kula Shaker.

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High marks for pushing the limits of these chord changes and for the raw immediacy of the recording. When we do this we can move on to new learning instead of polishing things in a DAW. Well done!

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25 years since OK Computer.
Oh boy.

I love this song, of course, any rendition, whether to redeem karma or just celebrate karma … and other waffly nonsense.

As a complete tangent, from the same album, perhaps the greatest use of a Radiohead song is in a Father Ted episode.


I have heard of Radiohead, Brian, but they emerged at a time when I was disconnected from external sources to provide new music of the time. The only song I know would be Creep, it being a popular cover here in AVOYP.

Later my brother played me Radiohead, as likely as not this album. But I experience what I think many experience viz despite a willingness to listen to new things and a belief one is open to appreciate new music, something new needs to be extra special to become a regular part of one’s listening.

For example (he said skating out onto the thin ice), I have listened to Nevermind many times. I really belief I have tried to get into it and appreciate it, based on its place in history and its acclaim. And other than one or two songs, I find the album as a whole to be OK ie not unpleasant but nothing special at all. I can say the same for Pearl Jam’s Ten.

And maybe folk here who were in their formative musical years, enjoying parties and concerts and all those good things that have a soundtrack of that time, who grew up and came to love those bands of that era, may find a similar experience when listening to current music 20 years on.

Or maybe it is just me.

And the same might apply when I direct those people to the music that I came to love through what I was listening to in my late teens/early twenties. That was the 80s, and perhaps I am a little odd, in that much of what was most acclaimed and popular in the 80s was not my bag, despite it being popular at parties.

All your fault for expressing a little shock, Brian.

On the instrument front, I forgot the Ibanez, Brian, and missed an amp :grin:

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OMG Brian! What has happened!

A song I know! :joy: Great work my friend.

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Two of my favourite albums. But I get it, they were formative for me, I kind of feel the same about the stones. Some great songs and I respect them but don’t really get into it.

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:flushed: :rofl: :joy:
Sweet mother of G-sus…I fully explain you better David :sunglasses:…or should I call you karma :laughing:…this will Brian teach something :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:…And for me there are hundreds great hits from world bands I don’t know, I think even 1000+ and that goes for the vast majority of people, and I’m not going to give examples but I read a lot of “worse” things that people have never heard of… but of course that’s always in the perspective of my life :blush:

And I never had those albums too you mention :smiling_face:,…and I had a lot of CDs


Hi Brian. Radiohead are a band that passed me by so I don’t know the song at all.
I’m glad you mentioned the structure of the song as when I listened to your version I was thinking what’s going on, Brian’s all over the place with this one. However after giving it a couple of listens and listening to the original on Spotify I realise it’s a really good song that takes a bit of effort to get into.
Well done on another great performance.

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I totally get where David is coming from. Much contemporary music and many bands have passed me by.

For Radiohead, the most accessible, essential, instant-fix of great rock album is The Bends.

OK Computer is more dense by far.


Well chosen band, JK, as I am one of the Stones lovers here :laughing:. And today I still think the albums from their (brief) peak period are fantastic, start to finish, and for the rest that followed I’m with you that over time they have produced some great songs and have a great repertoire for live shows (which perhaps should now be part of history?).

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Oh I know it :wink:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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