Brian Larsen's Learning Log

The end of an era-
My son Tor played his last ever school concert last night. (They won the rock band category)
It was 6 years ago, when he took up bass (leading to me picking up the guitar).
I don’t think I’ve influenced him musically, but he does like to wear silly outfits while performing :rofl:


Hi Tor and Brian
Always special those and of an era things …And this is a nice way to end an era and looking back on sometimes :sunglasses: :partying_face: :sunglasses: …now let’s look at the present and keep playing :smiley:

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Well that was awesome - those guys are pretty tight, and great song choices. Good to see some Cream love in the younger generation.

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Haha, yesterday does not yet count as nostalgia :laughing:

@mathsjunky Indeed. Good music is good music :smiley:
I liked the way they offered a guitarist in one of the other bands to come on and play a solo towards the end which they had never practiced :smiley:


Brian - proud parent moment.
They rocked!
Killer from all of them.
Kudos to whoever held the camera for being steady and not shaking it from bopping along.

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That was amazing, Brian, great playing from everyone.

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Hi Brian
Hands up I have only read your opening log and then watched your YouTube guitar video “Dead”
Now that has really given me inspiration for 3 chords :grin: and what the coming months and years will bring as long as I keep at it.
Glad I came across it.

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Haha, you made it to the best bit! :rofl:
Seriously, I think that was one of my finest moves (apart from joining this group)
Sharing where and what you’re up to without worry of feeling foolish is so liberating.
And educational :smiley:
As long as you are having fun, you’re on the right path.

I’m happy for you, proud dad! A great feat accomplished by the both of you and looking forward to more.

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Great performance, boy did you proud!

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Wow…sure you’re very proud of him! The silly outfit…it’s part of the show!

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7A week late but better late than never, right.

That was fabulous, loads of fun, Brian, thanks for sharing.

One of my favourite Cream tunes and Layla is one of my favourite albums, can make an argument for it being Clapton’s finest studio hour. OK maybe the ‘est’ is pushing it but it is right up there in his finest work.

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Absolutely, we all know Brian will enjoy the post bump.

Now that was great. Fantastic playing and singing. Superstars in the making. I’m just gutted they never invited you to join them on stage or at the very least warm up the crowd for them.

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I rarely use smiley faces when writing but I can’t express my reaction to this without it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for sharing, great to see there’s always new bands coming. Also great camaraderie for inviting a guitarist from the other band on stage to play with them. Great stuff!

Questionable outfits do run in the family it seems :smiley:


I’ve been more or less absent from the forum for a couple of weeks now, so here’s a quick update for those wondering why… :thinking:

My last share was a ‘spur-of-the-moment’ recording of Kvinde Min in Danish, in honour of the impending visit of Cousin Lars from Copenhagen. He’s the last surviving member of the Danish family I knew from childhood, and it was great to catch up. He’s always been so encouraging re my guitar learning since I started and is self-taught (starting as a teenager). He was relieved to find my ‘new’ G&L Tele felt good in his hands with a sound to match. (He had been contemplating booking an extra seat on the plane for his beloved Fender strat).
Loads of time chatting, sightseeing (made me drive for 4 hours to see some dams supplying Birmingham with water), playing guitar together and me showing him how Reaper works, as well as roping him into providing some guitar for another Friends & Family project.
I’ve always suspected that ‘jamming’ is not my thing- yet. Sure, we played guitar together most days, and one evening Chris and Eithne came over for dinner and we had two guitars, a fiddle and a couple of us singing together, but for me, it wasn’t jamming. I simply chose a song to play and sing to, and the others joined in. They jammed
Lars and Chris simply look at the chord shape your playing and decorate over that. One day maybe, but not in the near future…:smiley:

Disaster struck the day after he left, on Tuesday. My pc hard drive became ‘unstable’ announcing imminent failure. No amount of rebooting (or cursing) had any effect. :open_mouth:
It died, along with a forum collaboration, a F&F project and a new composition for a local song competition, not to mention all my personal files, tax details, music collection etc. etc…
A local ex-IT repair guy fell for my tale of pity and salvaged as much as possible from the damaged drive and on the third day, it rose from the dead :latin_cross:, with a couple of holes I could stick my fingers into here and there (none of my videos have any sound attached). Still, it was a lucky escape and I vow to create backups from now on… :rofl:

I hope to do a bit of ‘Community catch up’ over the bank holiday weekend but am under no illusions that it will be anything more than scratching the surface. Life is too short and moves too fast. I did miss all my buddies here though.
He’s back! :sunglasses:


Feel for you Mr, L having had a drowned PC and then 2 power block failures on the new one, over the last 5 years. I guess a background in IT always led me to do regular back ups but even then recoveries are still a ball ache, even if someone else is doing the leg work.

Good to see you back, been a little awol myself this week due to automotive failure. Life’s ups and downs never stop. Just gotta roll with them.


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Good to have you back sir even though you weren’t away long enough for us to miss you… just kidding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that great that you had a fab reunion. Shame about the PC though but I’m sure you could come up with a witty wee original to turn a negative situation into a positive situation. Look forward to hearing more about the local song competition.

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Goof to be back and even better to have been missed by my Droogs :wink:
(I suppose I’ll have to msg @roger_holland directly, eh? :rofl:)



Two and a half years ago I crashed my PC while installing Ableton… lost everything, thousands of photos etc etc… I then made a bad promise to make backups… I’ll do it soon :roll_eyes: . …promised

What have you missed… just briefly summarized…a whole lot of words :blush:


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Hi Brian, good to get an update from you. I’ve not been around much recently either and haven’t done an AVoYP for ages. Things go round in circles here I think. Quite a few new contributors on the forum just now.
Good luck with your Community catch up. A new post is number 25 on the list after a few hours!

Your sessions with Lars sound like loads of fun and I’m sure you learned a lot.

Yes we are all so reliant on tech nowadays although I’ve survived with no computer for quite a while now. An iPad and an iPhone seem to fulfill my needs. I’ve told my kids that if they want to know what I’m up to they should pick up the phone as other than a family what’s app group and another with my golfing buddies I avoid social media. This Community is an exception of course as I enjoy all the guitar related chat.

If you’re wondering how I’ve got time for this reply, I’m multitasking at the moment. I’m cycling on my indoor exercise bike, watching Charlie and Naga on breakfast tv and typing this. Yes, I have tried playing guitar whilst on the bike!:rofl: Cue Bicycle Race from Queen.

Looking forward to your next original.