Brighter Days (Bytron08 And Alykat)

Hello fellow Justin Guitar fellers!

This was def my most biggest project I have done!! Me and Aly worked tirelessly on this one!!

Good work Aly!

I put the video together, Aly did the mixing and I mastered it on soundcloud.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as we did in creating this masterpiece (In my opinion it is!!!) WHOO!



I did enjoy it, Bytron, well done to you and Aly. Lots to like in the performances, both instrumental and vocal. Plus some cool video effects (just guard against over-using an idea eg I’d not include text labelling the intro, lead and outro as the listener knows that, doesn’t need to be told).

What did you mean by ‘mastered on soundcloud’?

Mix is always so subjective. There are things I would still work on that I think would make it better, but as I say, that is subjective. Nothing I would say that is wrong and needed to be fixed.

What a lovely song! Beautifully played and sung - I always admire good harmonizing, and it was great in this one. The songwriting skills is something I’ve never possessed…
Sincere congrats to you both, Byron and Aly. :+1:

Aly is a very good mixer, and I use soundcloud to master my songs, but aly is so good at it it barley made a difference lol. If your a Nextpro on Soundcloud you get 3 free master downloads a month.

I usually use it on my stuff as im not that great of a mixer and it makes a huge difference in sound quality!!

Thanks David for listening!!

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Thanks Coda!! Glad you enjoyed it!

That was terrific Byron, well done to both of you. The song had, to my ears, a very Celtic vibe and your video even had a North of Scotland feel to it with the sunset/sunrise views of islands and seascapes and the snow scene at the end.
I really enjoyed that listen a lot.
I agree with David about the over use of effects when bringing in the written lyrics.

Thanks sairs!! Lol thanks for the feedback, thats the 2nd video i have made like that in my entire life, so im kinda a noob at it haha! Some of the effects were bugged and i could not fix them sadly. I need a new editor lol. Thanks man!!

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As Bob Ross said… We don’t make mistakes, we have happy accidents

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Wow, that’s a great tune - very well done, Byron and Aly! :clap:

The guitar parts were what caught me the most, and I agree to Gordon, it gave me some celtic vibes, too. Great stuff. But also the vocals were great, excellent harmonizing! All in all a very enjoyable listen! :slight_smile:

Thank DavidP !! I appreciate the comments & feedback.

Im by no means an expert at mixing-what would you change? Im always up to learn & make things better.

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Thank you very much !!!

You’d be surprised at how easy it is to write a song. If you’d like we could all work on one together?

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Thank you Sairfingers!

I hear that celtic vibe now that you mention it ! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much Lisa S, I appreciate the compliments!

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My pleasure, Allison

I’m also not an expert. And as I said, there was nothing I would say was ‘wrong’ and should be ‘corrected’. Sometimes that is not the case.

So much of this becomes a matter of taste and personal style.

I would have raised the level of the drums. Not sure what was in the mix from a bass perspective. But I view the drums and bass as the foundation. I banace them together and mix everything else in relative.

I would have had the lead guitar panned the same as the lead vocal. I view it as a melodic element in the mix so tend to set the level of the lead and its panning to be similar to the lead vocal.

I think there were moments in the chorus when Bytron’s harmony vocal was a little soft. I might also introduce just a little width between the lead and the backing vocal. I don’t know if you hand leveled the vocal tracks to ensure a consistent level throughout. I usually find that is necessary, especially if working with multiple vocal tracks.

But I stress again, I have my approach and it is personal. The song sounded good as it was produced.

Im down!

Drums volume-check
Bass-I played an actual bass (simple run) & ended up turning it way down on purpose, lol.
My lead-I was trying not to step all over Byrons playing so I kept my lead low in the mix.
Bryon vocals-I bumped them up a little, should have done a bit more.

Thank you for the tips & suggestions. I dont do anything fancy, just use my ears & adjust each track a little here & a little there till Im ear blind. I listen using ear buds & sometimes headphones & very rarely speakers. Just a hobby with no training :slight_smile: Appreciate your help!

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I think you’re remarkable at it!! Way better than I am! I mostly just slide sliders in random places lmao… well not that bad haha

@AlyKat My pleasure, Allison. What you say goes exactly the same for me. Only difference is that I have probably been following that approach for a little longer. I have received lots and lots of feedback over the years, watched and read a reasonable amount. And as many say, the only way to get better at mixing is to mix and mix and mix. I don’t mix enough songs to get really ‘good’.

Ah, fair enough. I’d encourage not being shy. I think a simple bass run will be effective. My opinion (just an opinion) would be that the song would probably be better for having that bass in the mix, to have that in the rhythm section.

If Bytron’s playing is the rhythm guitar parts then your lead guitar is played over it, in the same way you sing over it. I think this is where panning is an important part of mixing.

I think in its simplest form mixing is about balancing the levels of each track so they sound good together and panning them to fill out the sound space, which I think of as left, right and centre.

For the panning there are no absolute rules. My approach as a genera departure point is drums, bass, vocals in the centre, other instruments left and right.

Once the levels of the tracks are balanced well and the panning is done, then you can work with other effects, like EQ, reverb, compression etc.

And as I said, I think of lead guitar as another vocal line.

I am the same, also rarely with speakers. I’d suggest mixing with headphones rather than ear buds. If the ear buds are the typical buds that come with a mobile phone then I don’t think the audio quality will serve you well for mixing.

Me too, and a wonderful part of the musical hobby space. I enjoy the mixing as much as I do the playing and singing.

I have never attended any formal classes, taken any courses. But did want to understand and learn so watched a lot of YT videos when I started. There is so much learning material on YT. My primary source when I started was the Recording Revolution channel. I figured best to pick one to avoid being confused but lots of different people’s opinions and approaches.

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Thanks for the info David!! I can take this in as well!!!

Aly is your forum down? Says no healthy upstream