Broken by lovelytheband Lesson

Learn to play Broken by lovelytheband on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Broken by lovelytheband | JustinGuitar


Hello Justin. I am listening to your cover for 14th time right now. I really like it. :slight_smile:
I would like to ask you only one thing before I jump in - you are telling us to use Old Faithful, but I can hear you are doing that extra up strum in end of pattern, that looks like Old Faithful Plus to me. For me that plus strum is better in every song and sounds “more connected” with following bar. :smiley: So how is that? Do I hear it correctly?

Hi @Carreta. You are right, justin is throwing in an extra up strum at the end of most bars which is how I tend to play old faithful on most songs. I agree with you that as a general rule it sounds more connected.

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Hey there again,

It’s been few days and I would like to ask where is problem inside me…

I started to learn this and I had chord progression and strumming immediately. But when I try to put melody in it my pattern, timing and accuracy breaks. It seems impossible to me. I am at grade 2 module 10. Working on F chord and C major scale - I can do them, not too much mistakes.
Is this OK in this stage I struggle with melody or should I go back and revisit something? Justin said it’s advanced for grade 3 and I thought I could be able to do it… but I can’t…
Did I answered to myself? :smiley:

I just want to say how much I appreciate the tab with strumming and time. I’ve always thought that would be helpful in other songs you do, It must take a bit of work to do but then ex[laining it takes so much less instruction time. Thanks for all you do. I’ve followed you stuff for years and it’s the best stuff on the web by far.

Call me crazy but the labeled chords on the tab page don’t match what Justin is saying/playing in the video?

Hi Chuck, @cjmcclea
No, I will not do that :smile:, I immediately believe that you are right without checking, you will more encounter that for various reasons that the Tabs deviates slightly from the lesson, sometimes because Justin remodels the songs so that they are more fun to play alone with the guitar and sometimes because the tutorials are very old and the Tabs are original and are supplied by the rights holder … there will come a time when Tabs will be fully adapted to the way Justin does with the lessons that do not yet fully match, but he and the small team is a little bussy :grimacing:

Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


The original song is in the key of B minor.

Justin puts the capo on fret 7, which allows him to play the song in E minor.

The tabs show you how to play the song in A minor. To do that, put the capo on fret 2.