Lovely rendition, Mick. Great playing and an expressive vocal.
Hi Mick,
A wonderful performance and actually the same what David says
…it relaxes me after the earlier rougher work in the community
Nice smoooth rendition of a fun song Mick.
Enjoyable to listen to.
Nice cover man.
I like your purple guitar strap too… Very cool!
Great show Mick-a real crowd pleaser!
Hi Mick and yeah that’s how you make an entrance well done cheers Hec
Very nicely performed Mick !
Nice cover arrangement, Mick, and well performed too …
Keep having fun …
great performance Mick you were clearly enjoying that and so did I
That was very nice!
Great performance Mick
Great job Mick!
Thanks for all the kind feedback! Now I’m raring to make my next video!
Thats so good. I aspire to playing like that. I’m an absolute beginner at 66 and following Justin and nitsuj practices. Making very slow progress but having fun.
Like this one very much, Mick!
Needed to listen until end
Thanks! I’ve been playing this song for a long time, which made it easy and fun to sing for the recording.
Great rendition Mick. Thanks for sharing
Very nice.
Very solid playing & singing !