Bruce Springsteen - Reason to Believe

That was wonderful playing and singing, Eddie and great job on the one take, nothing sounded wrong to me.

Confession, I’ve never listened to a Bruce album :flushed: but I’ve added Nebraska and will give it a whirl. He sure has done a lot of albums.

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I listened to this in my office with a cup of coffee while watching the sun rise. Great way to start the day. :sunglasses: Thank for sharing.

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Really excellent! I think you really did a great job capturing the feel of how the boss plays his quieter songs.

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Thank you Jeff😎

Very nicely performed! I haven’t heard this song before - I should listen to more Springsteen.

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Thanks so much Stefan. Nebraska is probably not everyone’s cup of tea as I mentioned earlier in this thread that it is very raw, muddy and unfinished sounding. I believe Bruce wrote and recorded the entire album in his bedroom in 3 weeks on some cheap recording equipment. It’s actually a lot of storytelling type songs but I find it fascinating. Anyway I am rambling so I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks so much Mark. Glad it made for a good start to your day!

Thank you Rob. I appreciate the nice comments and thanks for the listen :headphones:.

Thank you Phil. Appreciate you taking the time to listen and to comment!

Another great one from you Eddie, I much enjoyed the listen! Great job on those bass strings … and wonderful vocals as always :blush:

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Thank you Silvia. It’s actually a pretty easy one to play as most of the song is just that rolling bass line. As always I appreciate you checking it out! :sunglasses:

@Eddie_09 sitting on the porch channeling the Boss
@ToshS sitting on the porch emulating the Man in Black
@sairfingers in his living room with a 1-take-Wed of… well, anything

This is the meat and potatoes of the community, folk.
Rock on! :sunglasses:


Doesn’t get much better than that Brian :sunglasses:. Thanks as always for the listen.

Great job Eddie. Well done

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Thanks Dom. Hope all is going good and life is treating you well!

What a beautiful and raw cover of a beautiful and raw song. Completely captivating, thanks for sharing it here. Going to put that album on now.


Thank you so much for your kind comments Mari. I am glad you enjoyed my cover. :sunglasses:

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Awesome Eddie. I always enjoy your recordings, just you, your acoustic and your raw voice that is able to channel so much (apparently so easily).

I don’t really know Springsteen aside from the big hits… but that was a great performance.

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Thanks JK. It may come across as being easy but I am no different than the rest of us in that it takes a tonne of practice to get to performance.
Thanks as always for checking it out!

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That was a super relaxed great performance, Eddie. Well done.

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