Bugger. Three years of being careful but now this

That really sucks, sorry to hear. Hope you are better soon

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Oh bu99er, that’s truly unfortunate!
I think the thing is that too many people think that it’s gone away but unfortunately it’s not. We still use our masks in crowded places but not in the fresh air - we get strange looks because we’re wearing them!
Hope it passes soon, hang in there buddy!


Rest easy and get well soon.

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Thanks all for the good wishes.
Whatever variant this is I wish it would variant itself out of existence.
Four vaccine jabs and hardly going out anywhere ever but Mrs C, then me, still succumbed.
@DarrellW good on you for masking up indoors still. The UK is still seeing over 600 weekly deaths. It just isn’t newsworthy anymore.


Sorry to hear that Richard, hope you are feeling better soon. So far I’ve managed to dodge the bullet but feel it’s only a matter of time. Hopefully, when the day comes the variant has a 2/2 time signature and not a 12/8 time signature.


Oh no! COVID really is nasty!
Hope it’s not too intense!
Get well and feel better soon :sunflower:

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Ouch. Rest, fluids, nourish. You know. Hope you get well soon. You may have a few rough days and a week or so of recovery.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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:cry: Get well soon.


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I chat on Facebook messenger with a good friend in London most nights/days and she’s no longer mentioning those horrific figures. Like you say, no longer newsworthy.

Wishing you all a speedy recovery

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I feel for you. The hubby and I and one of our friends we had over for Christmas dinner all came down with it within 3 days of that dinner. Not fun, I got Paxlovid, hubby and friend did not, we all had different symptoms, but all had the cough. I had 2 weeks without being able to taste food as well. Perhaps yours won’t be as bad, our friend was barely affected.


Damn @Richard_close2u That probably came out of nowhere?
Get well soon!

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Get well soon Richard. I had it last summer and it kicked me pretty rough. Hope your symptoms are mild!

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Ugh! Aren’t you supposed to be on holiday too? Dreadful timing if so.

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Yeah … five nights away in Northumberland last week. Corinne was bad from the first and then got worse so we came home early. It hit me the next day. Still feeling dog rough, still positive.

Richard, so sorry to hear this. Hope you are spared from the worse symptoms. As others have said rest, fluids, and perhaps chicken soup. Also my favorite, a twice daily facial wash with warm cloth and mild unscented facial soap. It helps me breath a little easier. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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Just on the news here about the winter variant we’re about to cop, comparing it to the British one that seemed to have blended with flu like symptoms, making it a really bad strain, leaving many very poorly.
Get an oximeter, if you’ve not one already. Well worth the very small cost of them…particularly with Covid.

Be well soon


Hope you get better soon Richard!

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Hope it doesn’t hit you to hard hubby and I was in bed for a week then dragged our selves around for another two couldn’t smell taste it’s not good rest rest rest toast and plenty of water keep hydrated get well soon😷

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Get well soon @Richard_close2u

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