
Oh Eck!!:flushed:, I’ve just checked out the famous F chord and I don’t think my fingers will physically reach, ha, ha, got some stretching to do. See what you mean Cate. It’s going to be a long road, but lots of fun and giggles at my reluctant fingers!!! Catch you soon.:grin:

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For me, it’s the INFAMOUS F (wicked chord). Welcome to your new nightmare. I can stretch my pointer over the fret but it’s manipulating it to be able to mute 6th E, arch over A,D,G then mute B and 1st E. It’s finger gymnastics and well, I’m no gymnast :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_peeking_eye:

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks Cate, got some work to do here!! Catch you soon

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