Can I donate in £ or AUD?

Hi all. I am starting to explore some of the clubs so I think it’s only fair to donate what I can.
I can see the donation page prompt for USD has an arrow but tapping it does nothing.
Can I donate in pounds sterling (or Australian dollars) so I don’t get charged an exchange rate fee by my bank?
Am I missing something?
TIA :guitar::purple_heart:

I’m not sure. Will ask the team, Bernadette

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Thank you, much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Bernadette,

something has changed … now at the far right of the photo you can adjust it at Currency … that is probably why I sometimes donated in pounds and sometimes in euros (never noticed)


Hello Bernadette.
Firstly, thank you for attending and wishing to support the clubs through donations. It is much appreciated.
I know that the team have been looking at expanding donation options (and payment options for subscription modules and more, including paypal in some places now).

@larynejg will know the ins and outs here.

Perhaps if @roger_holland Rogier’s dog can choose different currencies, hopefully everybody can!
:slight_smile: haha

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That’s Ziggy, Justin’s dog - he might be privileged :wink:

Hey @BernadetteG :wave: Currently, our donation payment links for clubs are only available in USD. As @Richard_close2u mentioned, we’re considering expanding this. If you’d like to donate in your local currency, you can do so on our general donation page.

And thank you for participating in our clubs and for your support! :slight_smile:

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Hi Fanny @FannyJustinGuitar
No idea if Bernadette means what I’m about to say, but if you click on that big orange bar (on the donation page) with
“USD other amount”
in it, not much happens, which can be confusing for many people,

I hope this is somewhat clear what I say ? :grimacing:
