Been following this with interest and lots of good points raised along the way, I’ve been in two minds whether to reply or not, because I not only rarely comment on recordings these days but I listen to very few. Especially this year, which is why I have held back on recordings and posting my own stuff, as it feels a bit one way.
On the old forum I was very active member not only asking questions (thousands) but giving advice to those who followed me on the “Old BC and IM Roads”. I also tried to listen and reply to every recording, giving advice where I could and when it was needed.
That’s certainly not the case any more for a number of reasons.
For starters the number of users and posts has grown considerably and new members flood in each month. On the old forum it was a steady trickle and you got to know where folks were on their journey by the type of questions they asked or the tracks they shared. We were all pretty much working off BSB 1 & 2 or the Rock Song Book. So I could relate to where they could or should be. And we were all following the same material.
With so many folk joining now I haven’t a clue where they are, unless they specifically state it in their post. And that brings me onto the next problem.
These days I am feeling more and more unqualified to respond with a technical “critique” on a recording than I was in the past. Every one back then was following the same “old” path. When Justin rewrote the courses and introduced the app, I was well past the old Intermediate and diversifying into the Blues Lead and Rhythm. So relating to Module this or Module that in Grade X or Y is not something I do easily, although I have gone back and looked at the odd new lesson and dip into the “new” Grade 3 now and then. I lost my way here (ie the website) some time back to be honest.
So I am very cautious about my remarks and to be honest cherry pick any recordings I listen to, as I have either known the poster a long time or have established a relationship of sorts with them in the New Big City.
Am I guilty of this toxic positivity phenomena ? I am not sure. I’ve gone back over a few months of posts from this year where I have commented and have generally been positive but I think I tend to qualify the positivity with certain remarks. If there are area that could be improved for example timing or constant hand movement I’ll add a comment or if it relates the “production” ie vox v gtr mix, I’ll offer advice.
But the posts where I have genuinely enjoyed the recording, regardless of the level, I have added a “well done” positive reply.
I avoid technical critique unless its an area I am currently working in, as I am constantly reminded that Justin’s lessons have subtly changed following the rewrites. And I’ve not got the years of experience of some of our members or skill or knowledge of the new lessons to be confident in my reply. eg Dm and pinkie ??? Not in my day. So I say nowt.
And if a recording sucks, I equally will not comment, especially if I have not a clue where the OP is on this path we all tread.
But if you do just get a like from me, I have listened, have enjoyed it but just haven’t got anything constructive to say or its all been said already.
Anyway after all that, I am still not sure if I am guilty of the original “crime” in respect of JK’s statement. But maybe guilty of not giving enough feedback myself.
I would normally close with “Hope that helps” but know this just adds to and muddies the waters even more.