Cannot comment in the Blues Immersion section

I am attempting to make a comment in the Blues Immersion section of the site, but cannot. Anyone else having this issue?

Mal I can post in the Blues Immersion Class 1 category, which is hidden away right at the bottom of the category list (I just posted and then deleted a test post), but when I click the discussion links under the videos in the introductory module, the “leave a comment” buttons have a note above them that says “Error Embedding” and clicking the link just takes you to the “oops” page. I suspect that there’s a problem with the website coding, and that efforts are under way to rectify it, since the post you made about this previously and my reply to it seem to have disappeared. I did email @FannyJustinGuitar about it a day or two back, but not had a reply. perhaps @Richard_close2u @DavidP or @LievenDV can throw some light on this?

EDIT: The “oops” page no longer appears, now you get a box to type your comment into, but when you submit it you get an error message.

I’m having this issue too - figured they may still be getting stuff set up maybe :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi! We’re looking into this. It should be sorted out soon. Thank you for your patience!

Thank you for the input peeps.
@TheMadman_tobyjenner Toby I have all the same results as you mention. So yes I will nurture patience. It is new as we know.

What I had wanted to make a comment on was the quality of the playlists Justin has supplied. There is some excellent music on them. Listened to them all earlier while changing ‘pots’ on my new EART guitar, and some cool blues were hitting my ears. :smiley: :star_struck:

Hello again! This should be fixed - please let me know if this is working for you now. :crossed_fingers:

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Hi Fanny, Thank you. I have just attempted to comment on the ‘learn together’ page and I cannot. A message appears telling me there is ‘a problem saving my comment’.

For you info, it doesn’t seem to work when I try to comment directly into the lesson page with the “Leave a comment” button. But, when I click on “View full discussion” which redirects me to the community directly, it works better. It may work for you too.

Hi Mathieu, no. All I get is error, or page does not exist, from wherever I am attempting to post. :smiley:


I too get “page does not exist” or “private” when accessing BLIM course.

Have you signed up for the course and been accepted ?

Yes ofcourse. i have the reciept in my inbox and can access the precourse.

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Hi Jason,
Welcome here and I know from experience that it can take a while (it should take a maximum of 3 days), the administration has to enter this by hand…

If it takes longer send an email to Fanny,

Hope to see you soon there :sunglasses:


Edit: Since the first video meeting is tomorrow evening, it might be a good idea to call for help now ?

@FannyJustinGuitar @larynejg

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Hi there! Thanks for letting us know @roger_holland :slight_smile:

@Jbenci , you should have access now. Cheers!


well look at that. its working. thank you : 3

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