Cannot purchase Reaper, no terms and conditions?

Hi all,
While attempting to purchase Reaper, when on the paying page, I am being informed that I must sign terms and conditions, prior to payment.
I cannot find, within the terms and conditions anywhere to do this?
Can anyone point me in the correct direction please?

Mal I bought Reaper years back so not sure where the T&C appeared, sure it was just a tick box,

Are you using this access point

Hi Toby,
Thanks for the quick answer. Yes that is where the message is appearing?
Having looked through the terms and cons, I do not see a tick box or anything like it. presently baffled.

Yeah weird. Can’t go beyond that page as I don’t want a 2nd copy or ending up screwing my current licence. Do they have a contact option/mail so you can see what is going on ?

It has now gone through. Awaiting email with licence. Odd.