Changing Pickups?


I have a Gretsch g5220 with broad’tron pickups. These pickups are mostly fine, but I think that I would like to upgrade them to filtertron pickups eventually. My question is if any filtertron will fit my guitar, or is it possible to buy one that isn’t compatible? Also, has anyone else done something like this, and what was your experience like?

Unfortunately, it won’t be easy. Filtertron pickups have both different size, and different way of mounting, they are screwed directly to the guitar body.
You will also have to change pickup frames, as these old won’t fit the filtertron size.


TV Jones offer pickup replacements, if I understand their webpage correctly. Their options are everything than cheap though: Pickup Replacements | TV Jones


Thanks for the response. Seems like you’re right, but it could be worth the trouble. Something to keep in mind!

I knew the TV Jones were really pricey, but their website also has a bunch of heplful information that I didn’t realize. Thanks ofr the link!

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