Children's book by and about Keith Richards

Yesterday, when visiting a public library and searching for books about Ludwig van Beethoven, I accidently found this little gem :star_struck:.
In this children’s book, Keith tells his story, how he came in touch and finally fell in love with guitars, and that it was his grandfather Gus, who introduced him to the world of music. The title of the English original is ‘Gus & me’, and it comes with an audio CD, on which Keith himself is reading the book :smiley:.
It was a nice short read. The illustrations were made by his daughter Theodora :blush:.
I’ll read it to my kids as well. Maybe, it sparks some interest :grin::innocent:.


Thanks for sharing, Nicole!

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@NicoleKKB I hope he doesn’t include his other lifestyle choices. We don’t want the kids’ interest to be sparked in that direction! I read Keef’s autobiography whilst on holiday last summer. :grinning:


:sweat_smile::joy::sweat_smile: Everything’s fine, Gordon. In the book, Keith is still a young child :grin:.

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Well, some kids are a wee bit precocious!!!



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wow! what a cool find! That’s awesome :smiley:

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He wrote a lot of nice things about his granddad in his autobio, too. Pretty lucky to have someone like that in the family.

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Yes, you’re absolutely right, Josef. In my case, it was my grandmum :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

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