Fab production, Luc :sunglasses:

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Thanks @brianlarsen ! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

I love the Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa version of this song. Loved what you did too! Great work, keep it up and bravo for playing through the elbow painšŸ‘

Can you share any tips or links on how to create the video, ie keeping some of the original tracks, adding your tracks and video and synchronizing everything?

Wow Lucā€¦thatā€™s what they call the one man band?! It sounds just great and the production is just amazing! Well done, you must have put a lot of work into this and I hope youā€™re very proud of this final product!

LUC :boom: :dizzy: :scream: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :man_bowing:
Always dangerous to say with an aging brainā€¦But from what I can remember now this is the best production I have heard and seen here in the communityā€¦really super well played and the video is more than the icing on the cakeā€¦ if I could I would fall to my knees, bow my head and kiss your guitar handā€¦
Greetings and thank you very much :sunglasses:

Absolutely terrific production Luc, a joy to watch and listen to.

Thank you very much @twistor59 :exclamation:

WOW :bangbang: This is a quite a dithyrambic feed back :bangbang: Thank you very much Rogier (@roger_holland ) :bangbang: I have a lot of fun doing these and I feel I emprove my playing doing them a little bit each time. Thanks again Rogier and have a good day :smiley:

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Thank you so much @SILVIA :bangbang: Very nice of you. Itā€™s more work but i feel itā€™s more fun to do. These days, Iā€™m looking for a used snare drum I could buy. With different kind of sticks and brushes. I already bought a cow bell, a tambourine and a snare tripod from a friend of mine last autumn. Now hunting for the not expensive snare drumā€¦ :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: Maybe I could start hunting a shrinkā€¦ Thanks again Silvia and have a great day :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Thank you very much @Beatup6String for your nices words :bangbang: It would be very long to explain how I do all the video making technicalā€¦ Make a long story shortā€¦ First, Iā€™m riding a Mac computer so Iā€™m using LOGIC X PRO (DAW). I use the camera on the computer monitor, I use also another camera Logitech Streamcam and sometime I use my iPhone as a camera too. I use the KARAOKE.COM site and buy track from songs I want to work on. Load the tracks on my computer and keep the track I want to use. I also use MOISE application. With this app, I take a song I have the cd, load the song in the app and it splices the song into 4 or 5 track. Sometime I only use, sometime I use only moise app and sometime I use both on the same song (ex if I prefer the sound of the drums on Karaoke but prefer the singer voice on Moise). When Iā€™m recording a track on Logic, I turn the camera on and tape both the sound and images at the same time. I do only run throughs. I forgot to say, instead of using LOGIC DAW, I could use GARAGE BAND and it would be as good. Logic is $$$ and Garage Band is freeā€¦ and GB is REALLY good enough for the kind of 6-7 tracks recording Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m using iMovie for the video. Itā€™s free with apple. If I ever want to make some more sophisticate video, I would probably go for Wondershare Filmora (Site officiel Wondershare : crĆ©ativitĆ©, productivitĆ©, utilitĆ©). Cost $$ but is lot more elaborated. Well well wellā€¦ finally, this was quite a long answer :roll_eyes: :grinning: :roll_eyes: :grinning: Hope you can understand something in all that. Hope it answers the questionsā€¦ Excuse my french :rofl: :joy:ā€¦ Have a great day.

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Super helpful, Merci :slight_smile:

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By the way @Giskard, if you ever want to explore Garage Band, I had a cue from a guitar student colleague of ours studying with Justin, Neil Clemens (Fourtwo42), who told me about COLIN CROSS YouTube channel: THE BAND GUIDE . Neil uses Garage Band and Wondershare Filmora.

This guy helps me a lot. Special recommendation on the serie of vidĆ©o starting with Ā« The ULTIMATE GarageBand Beginnerā€™s Guide (Pt 1): GarageBand vs PRO Studios Ā». A sĆ©rie of vidĆ©o explaining Garage band step by step for beginners. Great help for me. Have a good evening.

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This is brilliant! Well done. Iā€™ve just discovered this song thanks to Justinā€™s lesson and now have the pleasure of listening to your version as well as the original. Iā€™m pretty familiar with Tom Waitsā€™ 70s and 80s stuff but not so much with his more recent work. If you can call the 90s recent! Cheers

Thank you @MichaelBrabs ! Exactly ! I tought about doing a Tom Waits version but could not find a karaoke version of it and donā€™t have a CD of this song. So I decided to use this Beth Hart version I like a lot and could find on of it. Thanks again Michael and have a good day !

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Luc, this was great entertainment, thanks for posting

Thank you @eric.lennon. itā€™s very nice of you :grinning::pray:

Awesome job. Great editing on audio/visual too. Would love to learn how to do that.

Hi @GlenD !

Thank you very much @GlenD for your nice words :bangbang: I think this is your first appearance in the community. Welcome in the group ! Nice group, youā€™ll see. Very supportive.

About your questioning about the vidƩo making, I can answer this question only if you use an Apple computer. If so, this is what I can tell you :

Since Iā€™m rinding an Apple computer, Iā€™m using LOGIC X PRO as a DAW. I use the camera on the computer monitor, I use also another camera Logitech Streamcam and sometime I use my iPhone as a camera too. I use the KARAOKE.COM site and buy tracks from songs I want to work on. 3.99$ for a song. Load the tracks on my computer, on the DAW and keep the tracks I want to use. I also use MOISE application. With this app, I take a song I have the cd, load the song in the app and the app splices the song into 4 or 5 tracks. Sometime I only use, sometime I use only moise app and sometime I use both on the same song (ex if I prefer the sound of the drums on Karaoke but prefer the singer voice on Moise). When Iā€™m recording a track on Logic, I turn the camera on and tape both the sound and images at the same time. I do only run throughs. After the recording, I put the sound and the image together. I forgot to say, instead of using LOGIC DAW, I could use GARAGE BAND and it would be as good. Logic is $$$ and Garage Band is freeā€¦ and GB is REALLY good enough for the kind of 6-7 tracks recording Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m using iMovie for the video montage. Itā€™s free with apple. If I ever want to make some more sophisticate video (ex.: multi-screens), I would probably go for Wondershare Filmora. Cost $$ but is lot more elaborated.

Hope it answers the questionsā€¦ Excuse my french :rofl: :joy:ā€¦ Have a great day Glen.

Thanks so much for the great welcome and all of the great information. I used to do a lot of playing and recording multi tracks etc back in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s but I let life get in the way of having fun so I didnā€™t play for several years. When I came back I found that playing guitar is not like riding a bike - you have to work on it! I also found that I had a huge new digital world to learn and the learning curve seems steep. I was a PC guy during my working life so thatā€™s what I turned to when trying to figure this stuff out. I have a Laptop with a lot of mem and a thunderbolt usb and I purchased Presonus Studio One and a Focusrite Interface. I did get some rudimental recording done. I have never worked with video so I purchased an Ipad 12- thinking that would be easier but nope. The Ipad and PC donā€™t seem to play well together. I donā€™t have any good cameras etc but will take a look at the equipment and software you mentioned and see if I can learn a little something about video. It feels like I am making this so complicated I canā€™t get anything done. So maybe its time to turn to the Ipad or the iphone and just try to get something simple done. I really appreciate the info you mentioned. Altho I donā€™t have an all Apple set up much of the info gives me places to look and things to experiment with. Thanks again for that!

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This was enjoyable. Talented playing all those instruments! Keep creating!

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