Chords In Keys (super easy!)

Just watched the video amd like others am slightly confused. He plays the chords G Am Bm C D and Em and them uses the G major scale that hasn’t been covered in any of the lessons up to this point. Are we supposed to know this scale?

I know that it has been said before but he also uses A shaped barre chords which I don’t think are covered until grade 4. Yes I know that open chords can be used but they are not really shown as part of the lesson.

Saying all that it was a good lesson and given me something to work on.

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These earlier lessons in Grade 2 may help:

The C major scale has only natural notes (no sharps or flats). Based on that, try to work out the G major scale. Use the note circle if needed. Hint: there’s only 1 sharp in it.

Here you will find info about the diatonic chords in keys, i.e. which chords, containing only the notes of the given scale, are major or minor.

I also recommend the first 2 free grades of the practical music theory course if you haven’t subscribed to it yet.

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I know the Major scale (pattern 1) but didn’t know that I knew G major scale!! I did this in ages ago! :slight_smile:


From the lesson you just posted

Just like Barre Chords and Power Chords, Scales have root notes! The root note gives the scale its note name. In my diagrams, the root notes are a red dot or circled ®.

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Daft question may be but any reason why we couldn’t use a E shape barre on fret 6 string 6 for C major?
Edit: Meant 8th fret.

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Only that the chord would be Bb. The C root is on the 8th fret E string and yes the E shape would work there. As would the same shape at the 10th for D but it starts to get a bit cramped up there !

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Ok and thanks.


So if using the key of A the chords would be A, Bm, C#m, D, E and F#m?

Or in the key of C the chords would be C, Dm, Em, F, G and Am?

Is that right?


Yes and it works for every key. If you want to figure out the minor equivalent you can do it two ways.
1 Use the Relative Major but start with the 6th interval or 2 Use the minor scale chord progression min dim Maj min min Maj Maj

For beginners it’s easier to use the Relative Major and start from the 6th interval. This way you don’t have to deal with the Diminished chord.
For example Am is the relative min of C using the Chords in the C major scale starting at the 6th interval you get Am C Dm Em F G.


Relative minor keys (and their relationship with the circle of fifths) were also mentioned in this live class (from 31:50 to 43:28):

Pages 31-33 of the PDF attachment show the diatonic chords of C major and A minor along with the corresponding scale degrees. The same pattern can be used to arrive at the diatonic chords of all major and relative minor keys.

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I’ll just start with major keys I think.

Do you mean just using M-m-m-M-M-m pattern as “the 6th interval” is a new term for me?

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There are major and minor keys. Each major key has a relative minor key which means that they share the same 7 scale tones and the same 7 diatonic chords. For example, the relative minor key of C major is A minor: both keys have only natural notes and their diatonic chords are the same, although the scale degrees are different.

C major

Notes: C D E F G A B
Diatonic chords: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim

One way to derive the relative minor key is to take the 6th degree of the major scale in question and use that note (in our example it’s A) as the tonic of the relative minor key.

A minor

Notes: A B C D E F G
Diatonic chords: Am, Bdim, C, Dm, Em, F, G

You will notice that e.g. G major is the “V” chord in C major (i.e. G is the 4th scale degree), but it’s the VII chord in A minor.

Note: there’s the concept of parallel keys where the tonic of the major scale and of its parallel minor are the same, e.g. C major and C minor. However, parallel keys do not share the same notes or diatonic chords as the parallel minor has the 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees flattened. For example:

C major scale tones: C D E F G A B
C minor scale tones: C D Eb F G Ab Bb


The short answer is Yes. using your examples

Stating with the 6th chord in A you will find the relative minor of F#m so the chord in F# minor would be F#m Gdim A Bm C#m D E


That bit I know from the Key Chord Chart I have.

Had to check what you mean by ‘diatonic chords’. According to Google it’s " A chord which is diatonic is simply a chord built from notes of the key . So in the key of C, the chord C major (C, E, G) would be diatonic to the key of C because its 3 notes are part of the C major scale."

I get that as that is the M-m-m-M-M-m pattern.

Thanks for your help with this but to be honest I find the whole keys, chords, scales thing confusing at best and can’t seem to make head nor tail of it. I have another Major Scales chart downloaded from the JG site that has T T S T T T S at the top which looks very similar to the Key Chord Chart. Where does this fit?

I started to go through @Richard_close2u The Circle of Fifths - where does it come from, where does it go? and got to part 4 0r 5 before it became a blur with too much to take in!

I know that the theory is that some notes sound better with certain scales but the other day I was playing a C major backing track (not realising that it was in C) and improvising using the A minor pentatonic scale. All sound OK to me!

Actually it wasn’t that long ago that I realised that the A minor pentatonic scale was not the Am pentatonic scale!! :slight_smile:



This is the intervals between the notes in the major scale, so on one string only, two frets T (tone) or one fret S (semitone).

So root to 2 = tone
2 to 3 = tone
3 to 4 = semitone
4 to 5 = tone
5 to 6 = tone
6 to 7 - tone
7 to root (octave) = semitone

On each of these notes there is a diatonic chord and that that where the

comes into the equation.

Hope that helps.


And they should because the A minor pentatonic scale (i.e. a scale having 5 notes) is a subset of the A minor scale (the 2nd and 6th degrees, in this case the notes B and F are omitted) which has the same notes as the C major scale. That’s one important discovery you have made for yourself.

Now, try to improvise using for example the B major (Ab minor pentatonic) scale over that same backing track in C major. How does it sound? Try it with G major (Em pentatonic) then. Which sounds better? Which has more notes that sound good with the backing track in C major? Theory will provide you a systematic answer to those questions, even if it’s your ears that will give the final verdict.


Every other string on the e & a string- ok
where you start from is the name of the key - right?
Maj Min Min, Maj Maj Minor - ok
Then play the scale from whichever position(s) you know this scale in - ok*.
Magicly rip a (very linear) solo - um. ok i guess with practice.

But. how do i know the key in the first place? when i walk into the jam session (super hyperthetical proposition at this point) - will they tell me?

