Well, I’m a bit reluctant to do that as I believe that working these kind of things out for yourself will be more beneficial to your development in the long run. That said, I think this grip can be manageable if you are a beginner (the image comes from a different site, the notes in red are not the root note):
In the Practical Music Theory Course, Justin puts a great emphasis on (1) learning where each note can be found on the fretboard and (2) learning a smallish number of chord grips and how those can be manipulated to arrive at different chords. A useful tool for the 1st one is the “chord-finding method” worksheet that you can download here under the “Resources” tab:
On this worksheet, you can add the following information to aid you in your practice:
Chord equation: it refers to the chord formula, e.g. 1 3 5 for major triads; 1b3 5 for minor triads; 1 3 #5 for augmented triads; 1 b3 b5 for diminished triads. Of course, chords with more than 3 distinct notes (“letters”) also exist, so this formula can get longer.
Key: this is for the root note of the chord; at the beginner stage, it is the lowest note in the chord.
Then, based on the root note and the chord formula, you can write out the notes you’d like to find on the fretboard, and then mark them on the diagram accordingly. After that, it’s only a question of how comfortable each grip is to play, and which one of those grips is the most appropriate for the given song.