Like you may, or may not know, I’ve been playing guitar for about 1.5 years and I’ve been taking private lessons since September '21.
My teacher chose the song ‘Last Goodbye’ by the Norwegian Prog metalband, Circus Maximus(he did not know it was very technical song ).
I’ve been training on the part for the last 20 weeks and now iam confident enough to share the results of 2 hours / day worth of guitar training.
The solo consist of the following techniques:
hammer/pull-off combi
half-step & full step bends
slides within the fret
Palm Mutes
Alternate picking
This is me playing the solo at 50% of the BPM. That makes around 70 BPM:
There are of course some mistakes, partly because I’m filming myself, that makes me nervous and that results in some mistakes. Also when the backend track is being played at 50%, it makes it so that my guitar is done making noise, but not the backend track… which than results in some long ‘pause’s’
First off congratz on your first recording, it is anyways a stressful thing to do and you managed to go through it! second I think you are getting there at your own pace, keep up the good work and eventually you will nail it down all the best
Hi Demon, that was a good result showing all the practice is paying off. It’d be good if you could tweak your video composition a bit. I would have liked to have seen all your face and an angle that showed more of the guitar and your left hand working.
Where about 6 months since i last posted a progress update in this topic. The last months i started doing scale work with a metronome and the hard work really paid off.
The following clip was the second, and best take at 100% speed:
i’m still making some mistakes, but the movement is way more fluid than before and i barely have an issue following the tab.
Also a big thanks to eevee for not complaining about the noise levels!