Clubs Starting time

Hey Justin, is there any plan to record the Clubs lessons for later viewing. I am really enjoying the lessons are learning a lot, but with the time zone difference ( Melbourne Australia) of 10 hours resulting from the end of our Daylight Saving Time, start time for us is 4am. A bit too early for this “old dog”
Regards Art

Hello Art …

Did you receive an email from Fanny with a link to a short survey of clubs in general?
If yes, in it there was mention, iirc, of a potential addition t the club session more favourable to other time zones.
Watch this space.


Thanks Richard, I do recall a survey now. Great news if other time zone session were introduced. Having said that, I did get up at 3.45am this morning to catch your session on Barre chords. Great lesson and loved your play on “to barre or not to barre” Got me laughing early. Thanks, Art

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