Consolidation Practice Tip

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Instead of a video, I see: ā€œSorry Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here.ā€


Hello @gataloca welcome to the Community.
Are you getting that message on the actual JustinGuitar website or Youtube?
All good my end when I go to the lesson.
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide & Moderator

On the JG website. I was using Firefox, and I could view the other Grade 1, Module 7 videos.

When I tried this video in Safari, I could view it.

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Hi all! Iā€™m on module 5 at the moment, never played an instrument in my life, but I have dabbed in music using software(i.e. FL Studio). In regards to what Justin says at 2:38, I found a solution and was wondering if itā€™s all right to keep going like this: I do an up strum on beat 4 while the fret fingers are in the air getting ready for the chord change, and on beat 1 they are on the strings. So far It sounds really good for the few songs Iā€™m playing at the moment, but I wonder if itā€™s a good habit to have for future play.

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Hello @Torm3ntor and welcome to the Community.

I am going to invert your statements ā€¦

That is fine. Justin mentions this in dozens and dozens of the song lessons for the beginner grades. If you hit open strings on an upstrum so that your fingers are in place to play the chord correctly on the all important beat of 1 then that is fine, normal, no issue to worry about at all.

Whereas that is a problem. Unless you have misrepresented yourself or mis-typed then you have a habit that you need to break.
Each and every time the beat lands on a numbered count - 1, 2, 3, 4 - you should be playing DOWN.

The ā€˜fingers-offā€™ strum that you are asking about, the one that you do on purpose to help you form the next chord in time, should be on an upstrum, not a down. And aim to only lightly brush a few of the thinner strings, not all strings with force.

Hope that helps.
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard_close2u | Community Moderator, Official Guide, JustinGuitar Approved Teacher

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Yes, I meant the ā€œandā€ on the 4th beat. It just feels more natural to me, while using the ā€œold faithfulā€ pattern, to do an up strum as well after 4. This is what it would look like:
1+2 +3+ 4 +

Thank you very much for the feedback!


Far be it from me as a beginner to comment but I will. It is obviously not old faithful and quite similar to some of those in Justinā€™s Strumming Techniques but I am sure he says in one lesson that there is no reason not to make up your own if it sounds good. @Richard_close2u is also right if the fourth and is a change of chord then unless you are super quick then it would be open strings.
Apologies for interfering.

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Iā€™m a little curious why Nitsuj doesnā€™t slow the tempo down on the song he mentioned being one where his chord changes arenā€™t as good quality as heā€™d like at the normal song tempo. Iā€™m certain he would recommend to a student to slow the track right down until those chord changes improved. Not that I am criticizing, because I am actually very glad he suggested combining the two types of chord practice. I have been secretly doing that anyway, and I feel like Iā€™m getting good quality chord repetition that way.


Iā€˜m glad, that Nitsuj added this video as Iā€˜m having the same problem and also wondered, whether the OMCs were the right tool to fix it. Therefore, I also began to focus more on the quality than the quantity of my chord changes. Good to see, that this is now also recommended in the lessons :grinning:.

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8 posts were split to a new topic: I have an issue with the underneath of index finger touching the neck

I am not able to watch the video on the website (Edge). I tried this on Chrome as well, still no luck.

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Hi Hamidreza, @hr_soli
Here in the Netherlands it works with 2 browsers and also with chrome. Are you having trouble with more videos at the moment?


Hello to you @roger_holland !
Iā€™ve never had any problem with other lessons in this grade. This is the only video lesson that I have trouble trying to watch.
Could you please provide me with the Youtube link of the video lesson? That could help a lot.

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Hi @hr_soli ,
That seemed like a good option to me too but I canā€™t find this lesson on you-tube, whatever I type in the full text or any word whatever ā€¦not this lessonā€¦
@Richard_close2u do you have a solution?


@hr_soli - issue reported.

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Hello there!

A few students who use VPN or AdBlockers are experiencing issues with our Vimeo videos. If thatā€™s the case, please use an Incognito Window to access the courses, as that is a Vimeo limitation that we cannot change. :frowning:

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,


Thank you both, @roger_holland @roger_holland!
I just saw the comment that @larynejg has left, and found out that you guys are using a different video hosting platform for this video lesson.
Now that Iā€™m checking, I see that Iā€™m not able to watch any videos in the Nitsuj modules either.
The Vimeo thing doesnā€™t seem to be working in my country (Iran).

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Yes, those arenā€™t on YouTube by Vimeo. :frowning: Iā€™ll add to our backlog to move them over to YT, but thatā€™s unlikely to be done in the next few months. Sorry!



Similar symptom, different root cause and solution:

I was not able to play vimeo videos in Firefox on my linux machine (Firefox on Windows no problem).
The solution for me was to install the ā€œffmpegā€ multimedia framework.
On openSUSE specificly I needed the packman version.

I know, this is a very specific use case, but nevertheless I hope this information will help someone.


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