Cortelia Clark - Cover of Mickey Newbury

Mickey Newbury is my favourite songwriter. Here is his tribute to Cortelia Clark, a man who scraped a living selling paper bags to train travellers in Nashville. Cortelia also played guitar and was featured on a collection of ‘street music’ by RCA Victor - Cortelia won a grammy.

I love the song,: Mickey’s love for his fellow man, his amazing lyrics and melodies. I hope my rendition gives some reflection of all that is good about the song and the two songwriters, Cortelia and Mickey.



Hi Brian,
What a start of the morning here,a great song…singing and playing are amazing
:clap: :sunglasses: :man_bowing: :bouquet:

Brian, that was wonderful :sunflower:. Beautiful playing and singing and a great songchoice! :+1:t3:

That was a wonderful rendition Brian. You sing like a good storyteller of yore - I close my eyes and am in a black and white old movie walking along that railroad track with old blind Cortelia…

Beautiful :pray:

Thank you Rogier.

Thank you Andrea.

Thank you Michael.

Thank you Luc.

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