Could Elvis play guitar?

Well, i have always thought that the king himself Elvis Presley did not play much guitar… And how wrong i was, this gives me goosebumps. He is not SRV… but his rythm and his style is plenty enough…


I don’t know, you youngsters :rofl: EP was always banging away back in the day. Not on every song but plenty for sure. Guess that makes me old ! :sunglasses:

I did not really know that. I knew he had a guitar on some songs and played a few chords. But did not have a clue he sounded that cool with a guitar.

Youre not old Toby… just vintage :rofl:


I’ll take that dear friend ! :wink:


OOo my dear Norwegian friend :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

But it shows bloodthirsty ancestors to admit that :joy:

There are great documentaries where you see the young Elvis with all the great and upcoming great players of that time… I don’t have a title right now


Hahahaha… seems like this was common knowledge.
Knew he played. But not that he could hold his own, doing leads… makes him even cooler :grin:


Duh He was the King for a good reason :joy:
But I certainly don’t like everything, but that applies to me with most artists

Oh well, I …kuch…sometimes…kuch… miss things that are called “common knowledge”… or worse, I think something is generally accepted (or fun) and then it becomes a very painful situation. :upside_down_face: :blush:

A new fan …
Long live the King :sunglasses:


Oh yes! The King could play a mean rhythm guitar!!! My Mom was a very big Elvis fan… I remember her watching him on television & getting really excited when he broke the high E string (which he was notorious for)!
His band’s main guitarist was Scotty Moore… one of my guitar heroes!!!
Listen to the “Early” Elvis on the Sunrise album which is available on Pandora or Spotify… really good work on lead & rhythm!!!


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I read somewhere that the guy in the band he swapped guitars with at the beginning of the video hated it when Elvis did that, because Elvis was notoriously rough on guitars, and that guy really took care of his guitar.

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I’ve heard that too…
Also, Elvis’s band was seriously underpaid… their original contract was signed before Elvis got famous & although Elvis was making lots of money later, those guys were not… that’s why they ended up quitting & being replaced.



Elvis was a serious player. According to no less than B.B. King, Elvis would practice for hours on end. B.B. went on to say that he really wasn’t very good, but he was a handsome devil :slightly_smiling_face:
At 1:19 in the above video we get a glimpse at EP’s guitar face :joy:


That’s so cool! I didn’t know that either
not just a pretty face / handsome devil :laughing:
Noticed that guitar face too :joy:
I’m not surprised he was always breaking strings by the way he was really getting into that

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I’ve done some reading on Elvis and from what I can gather I think there is a general consensus that Elvis was a serious musician. I don’t think he was more than a competent guitar player, but he was an active contributor in arranging and producing his records and is said to have been something of a perfectionist in the studio. He had a vast knowledge of various styles of music (black and white) from his part of the US.

No, he was more than just a pretty face with a good voice, pushed up to the microphone to sing his songs. (This is how I thought of him before I learned about his life.)


I didn’t know that either. Thanks for sharing! Maybe the best video I’ve seen from the King. Isn’t it great to discover such things during our guitar journeys?

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Yep. Agree.
Always liked his voice. Seems like it is more than good look and a great voice to him :grin:


Definitely. When I was a child, I only saw his very last years. I kind of rediscover his music only now.
You sent me down a rabbit hole yesterday… his playing has been analyzed by several YTers, interesting to watch, but I didn’t have the time yesterday to watch to the end.

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