Cover of Gotta Gettaway by Stiff Little Fingers

I haven’t been doing much lately so decided to do a cover of this song from one of my favourite bands from back when I was but a laddie! Hope you like it. :+1:


Great stuff Ian, really enjoyed that. I have to admit I don’t know any of their stuff, I was mainly listening to Led Zep, Deep Purple, and Hawkwind in the late 70’s early 80’s, but on the strength of your performance I can maybe feel a dive down a youtube rabbit hole coming on!

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Ian they’re a Belfast punk band who still tour regularly. Well worth checking out :+1:

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Excellent performance: good dynamics in the strumming and confidently sung. Your Scottish burr reminded me of when I were but a laddie too! I’m a Fifer who gotaway!


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Cheers Brian much appreciated. Didn’t think I had a burr, but not complaining!:joy:

Not as shouty/angry/fast and loud as I remember them, but i suppose I’ve mellowed too :rofl:
Nice cover. I love learning to play songs I used to listen to :smiley:

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Well played Ian. A confident vocal performance with some good strumming dynamics.

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Very nice performance Ian, completely unfamiliar but liked that. That punk style translates pretty well acoustically I have to say!!
Nice share :slight_smile:

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Hi Ian,
That is a very nice performance of this song :sunglasses: :clap: :clap:

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Very nicely played Ian. :sunglasses:

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Nice playing, would never have thought of trying SLF.

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Nice. Saw them loads of times as a teenager and can you believe it, once with U2 as their support band!!!
Wouldn’t happen now😀.

I’m intending to try some SLF, especially Suspect Device, when I get good enough.

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Nicely done. The only stiff little fingers I’ve ever know are the ones I’m forced to learn to play with. :joy: I’ll have to check this band out sometime.

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