Curious what you’re working on lately

Can’t believe that! You are progressing fast, so your routine seems to work just fine :wink:.

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I need to get back on track, lately it has been:

  • Sit down for that structured practice and go through the list of things I ‘should’ be doing.
  • Think about the previous cool song I started learning but did not finish.
  • Do not resist the temptation to look up the chords of the new cool song I just heard earlier and start learning that.
  • Feel guilty about not making progress and do a 5-minute technical exercise that I won’t repeat and not make progress the next time.
  • Repeat next time.

What helped me with Fretboard was the BEADGCF (Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father). Say it backwards and you get FCGDAEB. (Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle).
Same as Circle of 4ths /5ths, Order of sharps and flats - very handy.

But to get to my point about the notes on the fret board, in standard tuning, the notes also follow sequence BEADGCF. e.g. Ends And Down Goes is the note sequence EADG at the nut.

As long as you remember that whenever you get to Father (F), the note that follows on the next string is up one fret. Also whenever you cross from the 3rd to 2nd string , you move up a fret to find the next note.

Strings 6 and 1 are always the same note (different octaves).

I know that at fret 3, G is on string 6 and 1. So the notes go GCF (Goes Charles Father)
String 4 is an F note so move up a fret (fret 4) and down a string then start again with a B (Battle) on string 3 fret 4.

The next note crosses string 3 to string 2 so …
Move up a fret and down one string to get to the 5th fret and find notes EA (Ends And ) on strings 2 and 1 on fret5.

Fret 5 String 6 the note is A so I know notes go ADGC (And Down Goes Charles) then up a fret to 2nd string for F, (because we crossed from string 3 to string 2). So start again, but the last note was F so up a fret to fret 7 and B (Battle) on strings 1 and 6. Next notes ? :thinking: EAD easy :slightly_smiling_face:

Just remember to move up a fret whenever you reach F and whenever you cross the 3rd string to 2nd string. :grin:

A picture of the note layout is handy as you can see the BEADGCF flows occurring all over the neck much easier.

Special attention at fret 10. You have an F on string 3 and next note on string 2 (move up 2 frets not 1), one fret for the F and one fret for the string 3 to 2 changeover.

Edited as I got my string numbers confused. Just remember, Its up a fret at the G to B string change (on the 3 to 2 strings) due to tuning, and up a fret at Father.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I love this idea to remember the notes. I’m working on learning the whole fretboard. It can be overwhelming.


Yep I definitely relate to jumping to a new song before mastering the song I’m working on. I’m glad I’m not the only one . :joy:


Tuesday I happened to meet with other people who play in a local band. While sitting down at my spot yesterday doing practice, one of the dudes from the band came by and had a listen. - I was asked to write out the sheet for my songs. - Is hard working now, using Guitar Pro to have things written out, making music sheets.

Sitting down at my spot practice guitar, where people happen to come by, have already given me so many funny and awesome moments.

Beside that, I generally do what ever comes to mind. I am and have always been an explorer and innovator, playing guitar can’t change that. I just follow where my feet/fingers goes. Practice+schedule is not part of my world. :joy: :rofl:

That sounds great. I like the spontaneous way of your approach to playing music. Hopefully you jumped on stage and rocked a solo. I did go on stage with a local band here in San Diego a while back. I didn’t rock a solo but taught the band to play shallow by lady Gaga. They asked for a request and didn’t know it so I said well I do. Sorry pizza restaurant patrons you got a spontaneous special guest. It was fun. I love the spot light.:joy:

Jeff from California

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Thanks so much for sharing this video. I needed to hear Chris’ message, and it has inspired me to practice more! I really like Chris’ concept that we are and will always be students of the craft, and to enjoy the journey.


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Today, I’m working on my own re-interpretation of a couple of Nightwish songs (Ocean Soul and Bare Grace Misery). With Ocean Soul, decided to arpeggiate the verses and strum the choruses. With BGM, um, decided to go with power chords and play them: DX-DX-DDD throughout. And… I like what I hear. If anything, these are good stamina exercises lol.

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At least for me (on strings 6-4), power chords helped me to remember the notes.

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How’s everybody else’s ‘working on lately’ going? Work is an ongoing nightmare but posting my ‘working on’ in this thread has kept me somewhat committed to working on it! So I’ve got Hey Hey up to ~ 75%, played at less than 100% accuracy, but getting there. :slight_smile:


With my new guitar I’m leaving it in its case when I’m not playing it, for proper humidity, and I have to say I can see why it’s recommended for beginners (well and everyone) to leave your guitar out and easily accessible for playing. We do have another acoustic guitar that hangs in the living room, so I do pick that one up for the 5 minute sessions :slight_smile:

Lately I have been learning the notes along the sixth string which is part of music theory. I’m also working on moving barré chords up and down. I’m revisiting songs I couldn’t play before that have barré chords and making strides. The cool thing is substituting s power chord in place every now and then to add flavor. The last Aerosmith song I did had that A# and F# minor which I’m finally getting better at. This weekend “something to believe in” by poison has been good practice with that f# minor and g# minor- getting there. I also gave a good at playing the beastie boys . I uploaded to you tube but not here yet- not quite happy with my performance yet but getting better. Like you I keep at it and make small strides towards improving.


That’s quite a few more things than the one thing I have on the go at the moment!

Pretty much sums it up! 2 weeks into my journey! Grade 1 module 2 thinking about module 3. Also taking private lessons!


Looks really good! Keeping a practice schedule is such a great idea. Keep at it, and have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

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Currently working on the A chord (A chord explorer)

And learning Wish you were here (but a Justin Johnston arrangement)

After a year and a half haha

@RobDickinson how’s Blackwood Lullaby coming along? I got nowhere with it the week I bought the tab, eons ago it seems like, but I think I’m almost ready to give it a go again.

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Working on the F chord and chord progressions . As I get further into the course my practice time continues to climb which for me is not a problem . Trying to move forward but a part of
me doesn’t want to give up practice time when I don’t really have the application down . No worries though. Now that I have a number of chords under my belt I need to spend
More time on riffs and songs . Good journeys to everyone .

Its … ok… I can play it pretty well from reading the music but dont have the whole thing in memory yet its a lot, no idea how he keeps all these songs in his head.

its mostly made up from repeating blocks I need to work on those and what connets them

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