D Mixolydian Étude + Whiskey In the Jar + B Mixo Jam

Hadn’t seen this Etude Phil, very much enjoyed that. Whiskey was terrific at the OM and I was more than happy to listen to it again!
The new webcam looks really good, but it does make your cable management “skills” a little more prominent :wink:

@roger_holland Thank you - I’ll order a searchlight from Amazon!

@Alan_1970 @TheMadman_tobyjenner Thanks guys! I loved this song from when I was a teenager. It has one of those things I’d classify as a “perfect” guitar solo - Incredibly melodic, chord tone matching, not over the top, captures the folky feel, not too long… Eric Bell should be proud of this one - he plays it live here, with Gary Moore on rhythm guitar LOL!

@Notter Cheers Mark! You’re right about the cables. The desks are shared with my son who works from home as a SW engineer, he has IT junk all over the place, so I blame him! Well OK the desk on the left is mine and I need to do something about it!



Very nice short solo.
I was reading The Aeneid and The Odyssey whilst on holiday - and every so often there would be mention of the Phrygians and such. Made me think of modes and perhaps I should try learning them.

Whiskey in the Jar was brill. Great tone and super clean playing. Always amazes me how folk can remember all the notes they’ve got to play.


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Here’s a re-record from just now of the track I did at OM20 last night (the gear was all set up so I thought I might as well do it now!). I added some bass pedals to the last sections.

Some background - originally I took the track and improvised over it a few dozen times. As time progressed, some lines in the improv solidfied and I kept playing them, so now it’s fairly stable, with a few “wing it” tweaks here and there.

Critiques always welcome. From my standpoint, I can hear myself sounding a bit “playing scales-y” in some parts. I think I need to work on including some wider intervals in my playing.

Hmm for some reason I can’t seem to edit the title of my first post to add this new track. It has a red “no entry” sign when I try. Perhaps a mod could advise?


Wow Phil, some great technique in there.

That swell pedal sounds fantastic, when I heard it last night I thought you had an E-bow. Do you have a compressor in your chain for that sustain? Soars forever :heart::fire:

I hear influences, not so much scales. I think this is a good sign for you as it suggests that sounds you imagine are translated through your fingers? I guess the more natural it becomes for you, the more of your own flavour will shine through (not a criticism).

Your timing is impeccable, not robotic at all, straight from the soul - keep doing what you’re doing!

Thanks very much Dave!

All my stuff is on the modeller box (Fractal FM3) next to the expression pedal in the video. I did indeed have a compressor in the chain. I’ve never played through a real amp (not practical in our house, where people are working from home most of the time), I often wonder what it must feel like to crank it hard enough to get some real sustain!

Coincidentally I do posess an E-bow. I used it in a cover of Saucerful of Secrets that I did a while back.

“… in the sockeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhts…” (this won’t make sense in a few months time…you had to be there!)


You have some cool tones you’ve got there mate!

Also; you are very loyal to the rhythm but you really surf it smooth n easy in that B mixo jam video.
Oozing Pink Floyd vibes! :smiley:

Scale’y; yeah sometimes but you just as well as us where and how so no worries.

Sweet bend and vibrato moves and awesome way to throw in that Top Gun line :smiley:

Are you in a band already?

@LievenDV Thanks for the kind comments Lieven! Haha, no I’m not in a band, I’m too, err, “Vintage” for that.

BTW could you use your moderator powers to modify the title of this thead to add “B Mixo Jam”. I can’t edit the title - it comes up with a big red circle when I try. If not, no problem it probably doesn’t matter. cheers, Phil

my pleasure!

Ah thanks a lot mate!

Nice playing Phil. Loved your vids, especially the ‘Whiskey in the jar’ one. I am interested to know how long you have been playing to get to that level. I have been playing for nearly 4 years now, and I too enjoy playing this song. I can play the rhythm part of the song to a backing track reasonably well but I cannot play those lead parts anywhere near fast enough or accurately enough

Thank you very much Malcolm!

I bought my guitar in summer of 2019 (should have been ‘summer of 69’, but hey ho), so about four and a half years. I’m lucky enough to be retired though, so I can play for about 5 hours per day on average. That solo is quite tricky, I started with the slightly simplified version that Eric Bell plays live in the Gary Moore video posted above. After I’d got that working, I switched to the version he plays on the record, which is a bit more complex at the end. You can hear that I’m still fluffing a few notes in my video.

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Terrific Phil. In fact, superb. You married that melody to the chord progression in a way that made me wanna keep listening. Didn’t really sound to ‘scaly’ too me. If it ever does to me, I usually revert to playing straight triads, and branch out from there.

Again, terrific playing mate, and great use of effects too.

Cheers, Shane

Thanks for the reply Phil. Clearly the hours that you are able to put in to practicing are paying off. I work full time so can only manage about an hour a day, 6 days a week. I recently joined a music club, playing with other musicians, some of whom have played and sung in bands, and that has helped me improve my rhythm playing, but I want to start trying more lead guitar but I cannot get my fingers to move fast enough on the fretboard and I struggle with improv and string bends. I have been putting that down to my age (I am 59), but you have blown that theory out of the water having watched your vids. You are an inspiration to all of us older students.

Hi Phil,

That jam is sooooo good mate! I could have listened to you play for another half an hour in the OM, just brilliant!!! :clap: :star_struck: Love that you’ve posted a re-record here too. Certainly not sounding too scales-y to my ear, has great flow with enough repetition to create a unifying thread but still plenty of variation to hold the listener’s attention. Fantastic as far as I’m concerned :sunglasses: :+1:

Also, I was checking out your Fractal FM3 on the floor, sounds great! Have you had it long and what’s your experience been like with it? (if you’ve covered this elsewhere, please feel free to point me in that direction :wink:)

@sclay Thanks very much for the comments Shane! Yep, when I get stuck I always go to a triad too. Learning the triads all over the neck was a real opener-up for me. TBH I’m still more comfortable with triads on the top 4 strings - I’m not so familiar with the shapes on the bottom two yet, but I’ll get around to it one day!

@nzmetal Thanks for the encouragement Jeff! About the FM3 - I’m really happy with it. I’ve used it for every video on my youtube channel - I don’t need any pedals or amps. You don’t get the “loud amp in the room” experience with it, but I couldn’t do that at home anyway. The factory presets are great if you can’t be bothered going down the rabbit hole of tweaking.

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That’s very kind Malcolm!

I’m not a fast player by any means, but what speed I do have, I got just from practicing scales. Watching Justin teaching Lee Anderton to do scales in Captain’s Privates #1 (I think) was where it started for me. When I find myself going too fast and screwing up, I can still hear Justin “SLOWER, Lee…”. It’s a good approach.

As far as age goes, there may be some limitations on speed, I’m not sure, but I doubt that they’re really drastic unless you have a medical condition. It would be a good question to raise with Richard in the Vintage Club!

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Thanks again Phil. I would be interested in watching that clip of Justin teaching Lee Anderton myself. Is it anywhere on his website? Would there be a link somewhere?
I might just raise that question with Richard. I have heard Justin mention in one of his vids that younger people tend to learn quicker than us oldies, but I guess we can all learn this stuff, it probably just requires more practice the older you get.

Can’t remember if it was lesson 1 or 2 but definitely one of the earlier ones. They’re all worth watching!

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The Man In The Socks Rocks !!

That’s the third time I’ve heard this now Phil and its more impressive each time, those bass pedal really add to the ambience at the end of this version. Very very nice. Certainly got some wonderful phrases complimenting the progression and I’d suggest your “scaley” perception might be more feel than it coming across that way during the impro. And if it is little on the scale side, it still fits like a glove and doesn’t stand out as such. I saw Dave @liaty referenced it being a swell pedal and I did wonder on Saturday. That really added a sweet touch, so I need to rummage in the POD Go to see if it has something similar. So thanks for the inspiration !
