Here’s a short solo in Mixolydian mode loosely transcribed and copied from a youtube video by Korey Hicks. The idea was to get a feel for some typical Mixolydian phrases rather than just playing up and down the scale. Used in this way, the mode has an Allman Brothers type vibe to it.
Also it was NW day (New Webcam), so I wanted to try that out.
Just listening to a JG Mixolydian backing track, kinda funky and as you show with your work out, an Allman Brothers vibe.
Thanks for sharing this, you have inspired me to check this mode out.
Hi Phil, I have absolutely no clue, what Mixolydian is, but I enjoyed listening to your recording very much . And your fingerwork was quite impressive .
Stuart, this is another of those advanced topics that you should probably not worry about from a theory perspective. Rather just listen to playing, enjoy it (or not), comment (or not) on your experience or maybe on techniques if you have observations. For the record, mixolydian is one of 7 modes, a part of scale theory.
Here’s a video of Thin Lizzy-ish Whiskey in the Jar - the song I performed at OM XIX. I slightly messed up the solo in the OM due to nerves, so I wanted to post a less messed up one (although it’s still not quite perfect!).
Also the lighting in the OM was a bit sub standard - this one was recorded in daylight. Not sure how everybody else gets such good artifical lighting.
Hi Phil, great playing I could listen over and over.
Really enjoyed this and your OM performance.
Takes me back to my childhood as my brother had some Thin Lizzy albums in his record collection that could be heard playing around the house.
Thought the OM performance was great Phil and good to listen again. Being of a certain age the Lizzy track is the go to version for me, as much as I like Mr Hetfield and Co. You can’t beat this one and on my To Do list. New camera looks great.