Dammit - Blink182

Here is me playing Dammit by Blink182

And again but with no back track

Not perfect and with no backing track it’s a bit exposing but with a band around it I can pull it off.

What I enjoyed learning by this one is all the changes of pace. Two seperate picking sections, with quick changes from strumming or picking to strumming. 4 chords but several strumming patterns, both palm muted and not.

Lots of things go into this song so while at first glance it’s a punk rock song but it’s no Blitzkreig Bop.


Hi Rhys,

Wow .That looked pretty fast and looks good and it sounded very good too :clap: :sunglasses: :clap:… totally unnecessary to post your piece without a backing track and thus let any errors be heard… but extra points for that :smiley: and very cool that you did it because it gives an extra good hearing the piece you are playing so thanks for that, and I still think what you play is great :sunglasses: :clap:


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Cool, I like that you did 2 takes. With and with out the backing track. Getting on it. Well played.

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Very good. To me, that looked faster than pretty fast. It might be worth practicing a little slower to iron out the few mistakes fr om less confident changes. Well played!


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My goodness that’s a energetic song. Very fast for sure.

You did it well.

I liked it w/o the back track myself. I think backtracks generally cover up what is really being played live (by you or me).


I thought that was really great. Loved it!,

Guitar sounds great too. I remember you built that one, or modded it, right?


Lots of kind words.

Yes, a fast track this one dials in at 218bpm, which is quick, but not uncommon in my style of music. Thankfully the original uses up / down strumming so it’s not as fast as it may seem.

@roger_holland @Ontime Thanks mateys. Love ya support.

@beejay56 yes I practice it slower. Normally around 80-90% speed I’m very accurate. I probably don’t practice it standing as often as I should which impacts my accuracy as much as the speed.

@HappyCat w/o the backing track is OK but it’s supposed to be band music so it’s always gunna be better with the rest of it.

@Prof_Thunder correct. Glad you recognised it. It was a Delonge special inspired rebuild with all new electrics etc. so it’s only fitting I posted some Blink182 on it. It’s my cheapest guitar but also maybe one of my most fun to play.
I may post a run of Brainstew by Greenday. Very easy song and with these high output pickups on high gain the distortion is Ssiiiick and great fun.
Thanks for noticing.

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It’s a very cool guitar and made me think my next build might be a one bridge humbucker strat with hardtail for punk songs.

My strat build is a bit too clean and standard to be a punk guitar and has 3 single coils which I guess doesn’t really duo the job.

I only just started learning the power chords and finding it quite challenging (and string muting extremely challenging), but this is what I initially took up guitar for so I can re-live my punk youth in late 70’s UK.

Keep up the great vids !!!

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Yep thats why I caved out that extra strat body in the build i did and turned into a HSH. Who needs 2 SSS strats? :face_in_clouds:. :laughing:

It gave me a more deep and mid sound dirtyer deffinatly more punk metal. Plus a cool project :sunglasses:

So brave of you to post without the backing track. I like it. It really highlights the trickiness of the picking/strumming patterns and changes. You kept a good rhythm throughout. Nice job! And by the way, that’s a sweet guitar for this song. :star_struck: :guitar:

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New found respect to anyone who can play and sing at the same time.
Been trying to get it done on this song for a while now and while I know all the words, and can play through the song independently, trying to marry it up is next level.

Admittedly this one is fast but I lose pace, miss rhythm changes, and forget words when trying to do both.

More time, more practice.