Dan's Learning Log

I know that feeling all to well, but we just have to keep going… Today i had a bad (guitar) day, tomorrow will be better again. Also nice that your giving MoP a chance! What inspired you to learn MoP?

I’m a big Metallica fan but the real reason is Stranger Things.

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You gotta wonder how many people Eddie Munson inspired to give Master of Puppets a go? I certainly would have if I felt like I was near the level to get it right. At the very least stranger things put Master of Puppets on my list.

I think that scene had a very big impact… I hope it leads to some long term new players… But i fear most of them will just give up when they realize how hard it is to play that song without any experience :rofl:

@ danmcmartin thought so already :metal:

Yeah, Master of Puppets is no joke. Still, it’s fun to run through the first couple of riffs now and then.

Anyway, Summer is unofficially over and I think I’m ready to learn some new stuff. I spent the summer learning and practicing songs, some I had on my “play list” and some I didn’t, and learning little bits here and there, riffs, licks, techniques, etc.

The songs I’ve been working on the most are:

Hey, Hey, what Can I Do
Mary Jane’s Last Dance (learning the solo, other extra bits)
Highway to Hell (including solo)
More Than a Feeling inlcuding main solo)
Wish You Were Here (including solo)

I know the chords to a number of songs as well. My barre chords are better, not great but better. Chords in general are stronger, though C to D to C is still a bit wonky. Strumming is coming along and more natural. I’ve learned a lot of new chords and techniques I use in songs or play just for fun. I won’t say I’m a better guitar player than I was when I played 10+ years back but I am more well-rounded and I’m coming along.

I went through the basic (free) theory courses and aced the final tests without even finishing the lessons. I already knew all that. Time to pay for the advanced courses.

My biggest challenge is speed. I learn a song, practice and hit a wall on speed. I think the problem is I haven’t been playing with backing tracks or along with the record. Without the beat to force me to hit that next note/chord on time, my brain just takes it’s time. Going to practice with metronome/record/backing track/app going forward once I’ve learned a song.

I’m jumping into Grade 3 now. I will take it much slower than Grades 1 and 2 since most of it will be new or unfamiliar from the looks of it. So, that’s it. I’ll be back with log for each lesson in Grade 3.


All sounds good, Dan. Enjoy Gr3

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Here’s a little Module 15 update. Took me three days (not whole days) to get through the nearly three hours of lessons. Good stuff! I just finished my fifth practice just now. So tired. I practice for 75-90 minutes (I often ignore the little bell if I’m having fun).

Transcribing is fun but it’s tough to find songs beyond those Justin listed. Still working at it. I have no one to play along with for the capo exercises so I use the time to figure out the chords for songs with the capo in different positions using Justin’s little trick. Helps with learning the fretboard and I’m discovering some songs can be played in multiple positions, some can only be played in the open position and some songs need a capo period (unless you use bare chords. of course).

I’m using my technique time to practice chord changes (I’m sloppy on most and need to tighten them up, C chord is still my nemesis) and my knowledge time to learn the fretboard, specifically the CAGED notes. I’ve removed the D Chord Explorer time (you can only explore a chord so many times, right?) and the Jam Along with Great Songs and moved the time to Repertoire.

I’ve also learned (am learning) Running Down a Dream by Tom Petty, or maybe a slightly simplified version of it. Another week or two and I’ll probably move on.


Keep on keeping on, Dan. Sounds like your are progressing well, which in my book is all that matters.

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Sounds like you’re making steady progress and adapting the practice routines to meet your particular needs. I like the fact that you’re still continuing to consolidate the things that you recognised you needed to develop further.

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Good on you Dan, nice update and clearly making progress! Well done :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Dan, I’m new to the forum. You mentioned retiring from your YouTube channel, but didn’t mention whether or not the channel still exists. Does it? If so, please share the link. I enjoy watching YouTube when I need a break from the other stuff I think about and do. Nice guitar. Congratulations on beginning again. Cheers!

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Especially the open chords. I neglected those when I played a decade ago so I’m an absolute beginner with those and as I said, the C chord is my arch enemy.

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Grade 3 - Module 15

I’m headed out for a weeks vacation so I’ve decided to move on from Module 15. I’ll try to put in another practice or two before I leave but I wanted to get this out of my head before I left. While there is no real criteria to pass like in Grades 1 and 2, I’ll stay with the formula.

  • Finger Gym - I’ve seen some improvement in my technique and accuracy.
  • Technique - I’ve chosen to work on open chords and I’ve seen some improvement. Not great yet but better.
  • D Shape Explorer - D shape explored (I was already using alternate fingerings in some songs but some of the shapes were new and interesting).
  • Knowledge - Learning the CAGED notes on the fret board and it’s much easier to find notes now.
  • Capo for Two - Used this time to work through songs using Justin’s chord finder trick, which also helped fret board mastery.
  • Repertoire - Worked on songs I know. I merged this with Play Along with Great Songs and Improv + Jams along the way.
  • Feel Good Strumming - Worked my strumming, timing and feel with the strings muted and over some common chord changes. Saw some improvement but I’m not strumming free and easy yet except on the most basic of patterns.
  • Play Along with Great Songs - Merged with Repertoire and Improve + Jams
  • Transcribing - Harder than it looks but has some success and some fails. Hard to find good easy songs.
  • Improv + Jams - Again, merged into one long practice session playing songs and improving over backing tracks. Saw some measurable improvement as I explain below.

Overall, I learned some new stuff and realized some improvements. Nice to be back practicing in a structured format and I think I’ll do so from now on instead of the way I practiced all summer. I just picked up the guitar and practiced songs or learned new ones but the structured, timed practice seems more productive.

I also confirmed what I suspected. I needed to practice songs with a backing track or along with the record. I’ve done so during this module and over the past 2+ weeks and 10 or so practice sessions I’ve seen a marked improvement in both by ability to play songs and to learn them.

For instance, I’ve struggled for months to consistently remember the riff on Wish You Were Here. I just couldn’t consistently put things in the right order, though I knew it by heart. Two days of playing along with the record and it’s clicked into place. The relentless pace of the song, even slowed down, forces me to concentrate and anticipate in a way I didn’t just playing the riff repeatedly on my own. I’ll never not practice this way after I’ve committed a song to memory.

Other than that, I feel I’m ready for Grade 3. I’m not great at some things (open chords, strumming, etc.) but I’m still a beginner and still learning and perfecting. But I never felt out of my depth, even if some of the material was challenging. I feel like Grade 3 will make me a better player.

On to Module 16, though I will likely take a week or so after my vacation to practice a pared down routine. We’ll see.


Great write up Dan, I get you entirely with the reassurance of structured practice.
Have a terrific vacation!

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Vacation was fun (it was only a few days) and once I returned I dove into Module 16. I thought I wanted to learn finger style, and maybe I will someday, but I’m not enjoying practicing the rolling chords or Greensleeves. I’m pushing through so I have the exposure to it but…ug!

Having fun with the playing the melody and transcribing the notes. I’ve got House of the Rising Sun tabbed out. Took a few days and three versions of the song (there all a bit different) but I did it. Also enjoying moving the chords up and down the neck. Interesting! I move an A7 shape while playing the chorus on Mary Jane’s Last Dance so it’s not unfamiliar. Neither is flexing time or the amp settings.

Moving along well but I’ll give it another solid week and transcribe a few more melodies before moving on.

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Grade 3 - Module 16

Well, I’m calling it. I’ve decided that the appeal of finger style is listening to it, not playing it. Not a fan. I’ll practice any lessons in the future but doubt I’ll ever put any serious work into it. I did manage to play the first couple of bars of Greensleeves at a moderate tempo with few mistakes…once or twice.

As for the rest of Module 16, nothing really earth shattering for me. Moving chords isn’t new but it was fun and interesting trying all the variations. I even toyed with triads while practicing. Deciphering melodies was tough but enjoyable It’s something I’m going to at least try, along with transcribing, when I want to learn a new song instead of just heading for the tab. I may not succeed but in time I hope it will begin to click.

Time boxing is built in since I use Justin’s practice assistant but I will use it when I’m not working within Justin’s lessons. Flexing time is also something I tend to do anyway when improvising or playing solo. Anyway, here’s the criteria:

  • Time Boxing - Will be using the technique
  • Moving Chords - Explored
  • Rolling Chords - Gave it a shot
  • Greensleeves - Again, gave it a shot
  • Playing Melody - Broke down a couple of songs
  • Flexing Time - Experimented with it…fun!
  • Amp Settings - Played around with my amp

I’m going to give Grade 3 a break for a while to learn some songs and perfect some I already know. Plus, there are some specific lessons from other instructors on YouTube I’ve got saved and I want to explore those. Mostly improvising and such. It’ll give Justin some time to publish some more lessons in Grade 3 so I don’t run out of modules and lessons.

In a few weeks, I’ll start module 17. No need to hurry, right? In the meantime, I’ll probably work on some previous lessons like playing melodies, feel good strumming, etc. and more work on open chords and changes. But honestly, I see the most improvement across the board when I play songs along with records and it’s the most fun.

So talk at you all in a week or two.


Been a hot minute, hasn’t it. Since October, apparently. The flu, the Holidays, the flu again, a couple of short trips, yard work…you know, typical excuses :wink:

Not that I haven’t been playing and practicing. I’ve been working on improvising and I’ve made significant progress. Mostly minor pentatonic work using the various shapes up and down the neck but some dabbling in some other scales as well. I’ve also learned a few songs. Carrying Your Love With Me by George Strait is the most recent. There’s also a few works in progress such as Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen.

Anyway, just finished watching the Grade 3 - Module 17 lessons and will begin practicing in earnest later today or tomorrow. Really enjoyed some of the lessons and looking forward to some of the upcoming modules. I’ll be updating on my progress soon.


My hand hurts!!! Holding a C chord for ten minutes for the finger strumming and string picking exercises while also teaching my index finger to bed backwards to play the triads is giving my poor hand a workout. Making progress, however.

Funny thing. I was able to follow along with Justin on the finger strumming, string picking and triad lessons as I watched but since, I’ve regressed. Experienced that phenomena many times, i.e. getting worse to get better, but it’s still strange. I was doing it the other day and now I feel like I just picked up a guitar for the first time during those exercises. Oh well, keep on keeping on.


Grade 3 - Module 17

I’m basically done with Module 17. I am leaving on a week long trip in a couple of weeks so I won’t move on to Module 18 until I’m back. I’ll practice 17 a few more times but I’m satisfied with my practice up until this point, by which I mean I need a lot of work on each lesson to use them effortlessly but I’ve got the basics in the tool box.

As I said above, I actually regressed when targeting notes while strumming and haven’t got much better. My brain just starts tripping up on the patterns. Triads aren’t new to me but I never really practiced them. I finally got my index finger to bend so I could cover strings 1 and 2 and even Justin tends to bend the 3rd string up slightly to avoid muting string 2, which I also tend to do. I hoped it would help me bar strings 1 and 2 on the “Mini” F chord but that’s still really tough.

Thumb and finger strumming isn’t too tough. Hitting the 5th or 6th string, depending on the chord, accurately is hard and I still haven’t got the palm mute/slap thing down. I’ve transcribed several riffs, though I don’t remember all of them honestly. I know I did “My Heart Will Go On” from Titanic and “Call Me Irresponsible” by Sinatra. Not great at transcribing but way better than I used to be.

  • Target Notes When Strumming - Struggled to progress beyond my initial attempt.
  • Exploring C Chord - Explored and there are some fine sounding chords in there.
  • Triad Memorization - Memorized and practiced.
  • Triad Practice - Settled on “Tennessee Whiskey” to practice with. A and Bm. :grin:
  • Thumb & Finger Strumming - Faithfully practiced and did see some improvement and can change chords, C to AM, decently.
  • Transcribing - Enjoyable lesson and I saw improvement.

Overall, a good module but I’m really looking forward to Module 18, especially the Blues lessons. Unlike some of the previous modules that I couldn’t get through fast enough, like finger style, The rest of Grade 3 looks to have some very interesting lessons that suit my goals and style.

So, I’ll be back in a few weeks to review the Module 18 lessons and get to practicing. See ya soon!