DAW with simple takes system

I know there are many discussions on which DAW to use but I canā€™t seem to find anything focusing on this particular issue: which one allows to quickly re record a track? say you make a mistake mid song and want to start again.

Right now I am using reaper and when I make a mistake while recording the workflow is:
1)Create new track
2)Solo the new one / mute the last one
3)Start recording
4)Realize I skipped something in step 2 and start everything from scratch :sleepy:

I could re record on the same track and reaper will create a new lane for that take (great) but then it will proceed to auto split the track seemingly at random (less great, as then I need to manually merge the lanes)

Maybe Iā€™m missing something but I canā€™t believe re-recording stuff takes this many clicks? :thinking:
I tried cubase AI and audacity but it seems they work the same way. Anyone else has this problem? Or am I just really lazy?

I donā€™t know about other DAWs, but I use Ardour (Ardour v7 has just been released) and I have two approaches to ā€œtakesā€ which are enabled by Ardour (plus a third I just thought of)

The first is, when Iā€™m recording, if I want to abandon a take and start again, I can do a simple keypress ctrl space which deletes the current recording and repositions the playhead back to the start of the recording. I can then do shift space to start recording again.

The second approach is where I want to keep different takes. Ardour has a feature called ā€œplaylistsā€ which can be used for various purposes including recording multiple takes. For this I refer you to the manual:

You can also do loop recording where you set the loop range and hit record and it will keep recording that section over and over until you hit stop, creating a separate layer for each recording.



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GarageBand makes this easy. Hereā€™s a video explaining how:

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Reaper has the functionality to loop the entire track or a selected part. Keep recording over the loop until you get a good take. You can then delete the unwanted takes. On each unwanted take, right click and select delete active take. Kenny Gioia has a Reaper Mania video on it but I am out of the house right now.

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This seems just what I was looking for! will give Ardour a try

@jjw garageband seems awesome but my mac is too old to run it sadly, I could use it as an excuse to upgrade but it would mean less guitar stuff mmmh decisions decisions

@TheMadman_tobyjenner I tried watching some of his videos but I admit I got completely lost in punch ins, tape modes and other crazy terms :weary: this recording thing is getting almost as complex as learning guitarā€¦

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For someone like me, who wants to spend as little time possible futzing around with recording software, GarageBand really seems pretty great (though, I donā€™t have experience with other DAWs). It is pricey, though, if you factor in the extra cost have having a mac, which is a bummer.

If you already have an iPhone or an iPad, itā€™s available for freeā€¦but you need an audio interface as well, so maybe thatā€™s moot.

Let me know how you get on, and feel free to ask questions. Their forum is also pretty helpful.

This is probably useful too:



I just started using Ardour recently. I switched from Audacity due to the lack of instrument plug-in support in Audacity. After reading the quick starts and watching a couple of the videos, itā€™s powerful and quick to get started recording. Iā€™m using it with an AudioBox USB96 interface.

Lots of good resources out there on Ardour to learn from. I saw a video posted further down in this thread.

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