Dead Cat Blues (original)

Well I had seen this come up but hadn’t the opportunity to give it my appropriate attention and glad I waited as that smartened up my Saturday night no end! Thoroughly enjoyed that romp through philosophical realms! Big smiles here :clap: :smiley: :+1:

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That was a bit of fun Brian. Although I couldn’t tell if your angle was that we do have free will or don’t, and it’s all just chemicals.

Might have been a bit of a return to your old style, but you’ve added to it, the dynamics and singing were a level up.

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I enjoyed this to the end…but I would really love to read the lyrics :pray::pray::pray: so that I can get also the meaning…Loved the rhythm, the guitar tone and the singing…and from what I can understand I will love the lyrics too :wink:Bravo! :blush:

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Hey Brian,
This was an interesting one! I even liked it… LOL :slight_smile:
Nice job mate, needs an American accent though - JK.

Actually I would like to hear you do Yellow Submarine. I think you have the chops that might fit it well…?

Keep em rolling in. I have bionic ears that try to listen!

Be well and take care!

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Oops, tardy again… :roll_eyes:

@Socio Cheers, James :smiley:
It’s funny the way the urge to pen a silly song only comes along rarely, but it’s always good fun to go with it.
I’ll have to go mining for another unknown gem for Gordon, maybe for the next OM? I’m on a brief rabbit hole hiatus- I’m expecting the postman tomorrow though.
Have made some progress, but not nearly as much as I had hoped…

@TheCluelessLuthier Thanks, Mark. But this is not parody… I’m typing this, unable to avoid adding that ‘thinking’ emoji :thinking: :rofl:

@nzmetal Haha, big smiles is good Jeff. You returned the favour when I saw your OM performance and thought it was the return of Nikki Sixx :laughing:

@jkahn Cheers mate, as I mentioned above- It’s predeterminism all the way down…
(Only problem is, there are too many variables to predict :roll_eyes:)

@Silvia80 Grazie :smiley: Although the lyrics are on the YT description, I’m forever telling folk to include them on any originals, so will follow my own advice and add them above to the original post :smiley:

@LBro Happy to have my transatlantic cousins on board. I used to have an American drawl many moons ago, but Justin says you should never try to sing, sounding like someone else. You’ll just have to put up with it :wink:
I did take a quick look at the submarine song (my other pet hate), but realised that by the time I put my spin on it,in a minor key, it would have been a song that the Handsome Family already wrote! :open_mouth: Maybe I’ll just cover that one day


Helpful hint! I always find it hard to understand really everthing in songs, and I see, I’m not alone!
I just read the lyrics which completed the missing gaps and I have to say (I mean that really seriously!) the lyrics are great! Bravo! You definitely should post them here. :clap:t4:

:rofl: Ah! So next time I need face paint and a bandana too! :man_singer: :metal: :sweat_smile:

A wonderful stew of creativity, philosophy and humour. Thank you. Tres bien mon Frere.

Hi Brian,

Those lyrics are brill.
Excellent, fun delivery.
Got a dark 60s quality to the music.

Good stuff.

@Helen0609 Nochmals vielen dank, Andrea :smiley:
(I added them to the original post)

@Blobbyblob Cheers Dom.
‘Mercy’ beaucoup! :rofl:

@Digger72 Coming from the strange corner that’s high praise indeed.
I have a weird need to combine dark content with funny executions :wink:

You amaze me, Brian (that’s a compliment). So articulate that sometimes I can’t follow (quess I’m showing how “smart” I am). I had to research doggerel, and re-educate myself on predetermination. Funny though, I just recently learned the meaning behind Schrodinger’s cat. I coincidently was watching reruns of “The Big Bang Theory” in which Sheldon was explaining it. I also Googled it.

I went back and listened to your other recording (so this song was a second but similar/darker version?), also to Justin’s Ob-La-Di…Da song.

Anyway what I understood was your continual improvement in playing, skill in songwriting, great vocals and cool work on your Trio+. Enjoyed the songs too!

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@pkboo3 Awww thanks Pam. I love languages and words. Like you, I always have to look up stuff, what it means etc. Google/Wikipedia is great! I think we all like to try to draw attention to things we’re more comfortable with and discreetly leave our struggles in the shadows of the wings…
Thank you for the listen and comments :smiley:
What are you up to at the moment?

Oh yes Brian, you certainly know how to surprise :slight_smile:
The title of your topic caught my attention right away.
well done!


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@MikeSebastianP Спасибо, мой друг.
Я очень ценю ваши комментарии :smiley:

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