@DavidP Appreciate it David, guess we are our worst critics, alwayr hard to get confidence for me.
@sclay Cheers Shane, I hope someday get to the point where I’m completely happy about a performance, but that day has not yet come 
@batwoman Thank you Maggie, really. To be fair, the tone on the guitar may come to the good job the folks of Epiphone did 
But in all seriousness, I’m not a very technical player, and I’ve found out through the years that I’m not really interested in that, so I try to play and sing from my emotions as much as I can. Especially this song, which since the first time I listened to I was just transported by it.
So if I was able to make you feel something through my permormance, know I’m very happy.
MiJoy Thank you Mike!
@adi_mrok Thanks Adrian, you’re right, it’s a great song to get into bed and have an emotional crisis! 
@jkahn Thank you JK, like I said, I’m not very confident in my music, although looking back to where I was 1 year or some months ago is a pretty good improvement.
But I still can’t listen to myself without cringing 
I started the Chris Liepe “Discover your voice” course but I go through it veery slowly, like you said, not practising as much as I should or as I’d like.
@roger_holland Thank you Roger, this song hits me every time and is one that I started messing around with pretty early in my guitar journey, but never got the rhytm quite right and forget about singing it! 
So I’m very happy that with patiente and not a lot of practice I could finally do it.
@SgtColon That was cheeky Stefan
Thank you!
@Dro_1 Thanks Sandro, I try to grab the thing even if it’s for a few minutes. It’s tough cause those minutes are what I need to warm up and get the feeling right, but it’s better than nothing.
@Adi66 Thanks Adrian, crazy that it was a bonus track that was recorded almost by accident!
@SDKissFan Thank you Jeff, I actually got the capo 1 fret higher than Mr PotatoFace Gallagher
Don’t know why, but tried multiple positions and this was the one that I was most comfortable with.
Thanks again for taking the time to listen and do a little review, it’s always great to come back here.
I hope I have sometime this weekend to surf through the AVOUP but I said that before and here we are 
Again, thanks to everyone and I hope you all have a great day.