Diatonic Quadad Chord Sequence

Please - be comfortable analyzing Diatonic Quadad Chords before starting this lesson!

View the full lesson at Diatonic Quadad Chord Sequence | JustinGuitar

Help Yourself by Amy Winehouse is this chord sequence in A right? I learned how to play it but just thought it was a load of jazzy chords lol

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I’ve just looked it up. Strip away the extensions and you have
A β†’ D β†’ C#m β†’ E which is I β†’ IV β†’ iii β†’ V
Ending on F# which acts as V pivot chord for a brief modulation leading to
Bm β†’ E which is i β†’ iv
A β†’ F#m β†’ Bm β†’ E which is I β†’ vi β†’ ii β†’ V

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At the 3:20 minute mark of the lesson, Justin does a very nice job running through the various major, minor, dominant, and minor 7b5. What I struggle with is how much change there is between the chord shapes for each of those. He makes it look easy with his fingers just seemingly falling into the right spots, and the notes ring out without any muting! How can I do that? Should I expect to be able to do this on acoustic, or should I break out my electric to get that sound? Further, any recommendations for how to just lock in those barre chords once and for all? I continue to struggle getting the shapes in a timely manner, as well as getting the notes to ring out. Thank you.

Justin is playing them only so that you can hear the sounds. He is not directing you to go and learn the chord grips and train your fingers to do as he did. That is not a part of the course - not at this stage. If you are gaining understanding of the knowledge that is all you need for now.

Thanks for the reply Richard. I learn best by doing, so was trying to burn into memory, the shapes by doing them… I learn the shapes, but more importantly, learn which is the root, 3rd, 5th and 7th. Towards that end, any suggestions for how I should train so I can play the barre chords effectively?

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One good exercise for this is to play all the main variations of the chord, 2-4 strums on each;

A Major
A Major 7
A minor
A minor 7
Add others to suit.

Cheers, Shane

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David. Justin plays the maj7 and min7 and dom7 as A-shape barre chord grips. All but the maj7 are in this module: https://www.justinguitar.com/modules/a-shape-barre-chords

He is making the index finger barre but in playing is actually not using the high E string - it is thumb + three fingers to pluck A, D, F, B strings on them all. You can of course play the high E string.

The m7b5 is not a barre.

Here are the four shapes.

Thank you, Richard.

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Thanks Shane.

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