Do You Remember? - Phil Collins

A little late to the party - at least it’s Wednesday today - don’t care about the days…
I’ve said it before, I like your one takes a lot! You are performing with such an easiness on vocals and your playing, especially you are doing your embellishments and picking out notes so smoothly, very enjoyable playing! From song choice to the recorded performance - you always deliver! Thanks for sharing, you gave my day a sunny twist :blush:!


@CBVocals Thanks so much for taking time to listen Chris.
@Socio Senior moment James. How very dare you! :rofl:
Thanks for the listen and support.


It was a pleasure.


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Really enjoyed your performance. Nice interpretation and impressed with the backing track. Remember the original well, and good to hear it again on guitar.
Had heard mention of the Trio + on @Richard_close2u recent class so must investigate further


Nice one Gordon.
It just so happens I had not remembered this Phil Collins song.
I am glad you remembered you had a Trio+ and brought it out to play!


Nice. I too liked the fancy frills. You looked and sounded very comfortable on this one.


@DavidP @brianlarsen
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment on the song.

That would be a step too far David. :smile: Instead of recording and posting on a Wednesday (which is in truth a bit restrictive) what I should do is record whenever and post on a Wednesday. Then I can keep the ‘one take Wednesday production’ title alive. I do wonder however just how many on the forum know what I’m talking about as the original one take Wednesday concept started long ago back in the days of the old forum. There are so many people about now who weren’t there then.

Thanks Brian although I hope you don’t think I’m becoming boringly predictable, something that could never be said about your AVoYPs!
I’m pleased to hear you’re giving playing with a pick a try even if it does allow you to counter my pick comments on your AVoYPs with your sound balance comments on mine. :grin:
Yes indeed, it is a balance between vocal, guitar and Trio+ and as discussed before, it’s difficult to achieve when recording on a phone. The constraint of course is the video framing to get upper body including guitar in frame. That dictates where the phone is positioned. Your suggestion of a phone stick to raise the position of the phone might work. I currently put the phone on my music stand which I could raise a bit higher and perhaps achieve the same result. The problem is exacerbated when using the Trio as in order to get the phone to pick it up I have to turn the amp up pretty loud and that tends to drown out the vocal. The guitar seems to cut through it better. All this makes me avoid using the Trio for AVoYPs more than I might otherwise, although I use it a lot when messing about with loops and creating chord progressions etc. to play/improvise over.
Of course the solution would be to go down the tech route but that’s not one that particularly interests me.

@HappyCat Thanks Jim, I’m pleased you enjoyed the song. Yes the Trio+ is a fun tool although if you read my reply to Brian above you’ll see it does introduce other issues.
@pkboo3 Hi Pam. Thanks for the kind comments. I’m glad you enjoyed my song choice and I think we’ve said in the past that we share a similar taste in music.

@Helen0609 @Richtrfc
Thanks so much for taking time to listen and comment.
Andrea, I’m glad I gave your day a sunny twist. We could do with some sun over here in Scotland this weekend!
Richard, if you want to investigate the Trio+ further there is loads of informed user info on the forum.

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Hello Gordon, I’m a bit late to this party. This is a most enjoyable listen in every respect! As others have said you now have become confident with those individual notes embellishments and you can throw them in very smoothly. The icing on the cake is your smile! Thanks for sharing it…it made me smile as well!

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Thanks Richard. The only things that stop me remembering my Trio are those mentioned in my previous replies and those difficulties are of course due to my low tech approach.
Glad you enjoyed the song.
@jvlynch Thanks for the listen Jim and great that you enjoyed the song. Regarding the embellishments, in this case I felt that the repeated hammer-on was a bit of a hook and was my attempt to copy something from the original. I feel however that care has to be taken not to overdo ‘fills and trills’ as they can over complicate things.

Hi Sylvia thanks so much for the listen and kind comments. Glad you enjoyed the song and the smile! :smile:

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Your one take recordings are a great challenge to set for yourself. I enjoyed this whole song-- the singing, the playing, all of it! It Your groove left me with an ear worm.:rofl:

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Thanks so much Donna, I appreciate you listening and commenting.
Haha, an earworm! It’ll soon be the non-stop Christmas songs in the shops that give headaches never mind earworms. :grin:

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Hi Gordon,
This was a nice listen. Gosh, we got drums and all going in this one. Good job! I like your little pull offs. Nice production and just a fine job all around.


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Thanks for listening and commenting LB, glad you enjoyed the song. Yes the Trio+ drum/bass backing track adds a bit of variety.

Gordon, that was awesome!
I love Phil Collins and that song, so thank you for playing it.
And you do a great job with those guitar fills :ok_hand:
Always love watching your videosб

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Hi Leonid and thanks for the listen and support. Yes, Phil Collins has done some terrific songs and I thought I’d have a go at this one since it suits acoustic guitar quite well.
So pleased you enjoy my AVoYPs. :smiley: