Don't understand the clubs - trying to get more info

Hi all.
I have been looking over the community forum, there is so much stuff it’s hard to keep up, and I find I am getting lost easily.
I stumbled into the clubs part of the forum, and there are posts discussing up coming clubs, however when I go to the clubs page on the website, nothing is showing up with dates, they are all ‘event is over’

I would love to find more info and be able to join clubs however am I looking in the wrong place?

Any direction would be great.
thank you


Hi Bret,
I searched for a few minutes via the website, but I can’t get any further than that there are no events planned and all I see are events that have already taken place, just like you… maybe a break due to a big course that Monday starts … or we are both searching wrong … if there are any new announcements, someone will tell you soon,
(I thought I read in a mail or so there was something planned)
Good luck

Hi Bret,

The Clubs are an additional offer in the form of live Zoom sessions to the courses that are provided on the website. Several approved teachers offer additional teaching about a wide variety of topics.
For a while, the Clubs were run on a 2 week basis, depending on the teacher.
In Richard’s @Richard_close2u last Vintage Club Session, he mentioned, there probably will be a gap for a few week until the next session. I assume they are somewhat busy with the Blues Immersion stuff. I’m sure, additional meetings will be announced within the next weeks. Just watch the Club site.
Until then, plenty of material from the last sessions is available here:

There are no clubs now until August.
We are taking the month of July off.
And the last June club has already been.

I hopeto see you at an event soon.


ah no worries… :slight_smile: