Drift Away - Original song

Hi Eddie,

Completely flawless original song. Nice job on this. Maybe add a solo in there at some point is the only tip I can think of. Amazing talent!


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Thank you for your kind words Jeff. Really appreciate it and thanks for checking this one out!

Deadly. :wink:

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Thanks for the listen Brian. Enjoy the OM this weekend!

Great job again . I need to stop being so lazy and do more with my stuff.

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Thanks Jeff. It is pretty satisfying to write a song no matter how well it turns out.

Great job Eddie, really good. I agree with some of the earlier comments about adding in a chorus or bridge section to mix things up a bit.
Well done, I’m looking forward to more from our latest singer songwriter! :smiley:

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Thanks Gordon for the listen and feedback. Very much appreciated.

Listened to this a couple of times since you posted it Eddie but just getting around to commenting. Dude you are a fine singer songwriter, I’d happily pay to listen to you play and sing your songs . I can hear where folk are suggesting making the chorus more distinct from the verse but I understand this is just a first take… Now’s the time to let it all sink in nows the lyrics have clicked and refine to how you feel it should be my good friend.

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Your original songs are always brilliant Eddie. Thanks for sharing mate

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Wow that’s high praise James and I really appreciate your continued support. I am still pretty new to this songwriting thing but I do get a kick out of producing something new. I keep a notebook with thoughts for songs as they come to me and to be honest when I look back at it from time to time most of it is rubbish , however occasionally I like something I have jotted down and it turns into something half decent.

Thanks so much Sandro. I appreciate your kind words and glad you enjoyed the song mate!

Fantastic Eddie. Great lyrics and I thought the rhythm you went with was spot on. For me this it top quality stuff. I could happily listen to an album full of your music.

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Wow thanks so much Stefan. Am really glad you enjoyed it and thanks a bunch for checking it out!

Really enjoyed your song Eddie. Nice touch with the ringing e string totally enhances and adds to the wistful feel of the song. Lovely singing and great job with the lyrics. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

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That was really cool Eddie!! Super sweet sound from that guitar, very nicely sung too.
Superb lyrics! Dont stop doing the things youre doing. Sounds great Eddie! Hats off! :raised_hands:t2:

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Thank you Alan and I am glad you enjoyed the song. Merry Christmas to you also :christmas_tree:!

Cheers Trond and thanks so much for checking it out.
Hope you have a great Christmas and wish you lots of happiness for the new year!