E Chord Anchors & Tricks

It would be helpful if all three chord diagrams were included on this page as a reference.

Welcome to the community Mario :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree. That would really be helpful at such an early stage in Grade 1.

Slightly hidden, the chord diagrams are included in the lesson text. Look at the second paragraph and you will find A, D and E printed in bold orange font. Click the respective bold orange letters and you will see they are hyperlinks taking you to the individual A, D and E lessons incl. chord diagrams. A bit cumbersome maybe.

What I like to do when Iā€™m learning new chords is to write down the new chord shapes myself, since this will help me remembering the new chords. If that could be helpful for you as well, you can find printable blank chord boxes e.g. here


I am glad to hear that I am not the only person who has this issue. I try not to apply too much pressure with my index finger but the chord doesnt ring true. The calouses also slide on the strings. I am hoping as my playing progresses this problem will resolve itself.