Hi JK,
I think I liked the electric version best, but it is hard to decide. Good tone and recording on both to my ears. Nice work and keep up the good vibe in learning as you go!
All the best,
Hi JK,
I think I liked the electric version best, but it is hard to decide. Good tone and recording on both to my ears. Nice work and keep up the good vibe in learning as you go!
All the best,
Glad you enjoyed it Mark, and being only a couple of modules in to Grade 3 I’d say… don’t rush to Grade 3, I’ve found a fair bit of it challenging so far. The “do whatever Justin says” is something I decided a while ago, hasn’t gone wrong so far!
Well it was only 3 kinds of reverb & delay all stacked on top of each other… Yes, definitely too much for most things
. Was the point for this one. TBH I think some of the new grade 3 stuff is harder than some of what I’ve look at in the intermediate stuff (only glimpsed though). I swear barre chords are easier.
Thank you Mark, glad you enjoyed. The electric reverb overload seems to be either a love/hate thing!
Thanks LBro, I’ve been slowly trying different tweaks in the tone & recording, still loads more to experiment with.
Hi JK, I came back to this after I smashed headlong into Greensleeves in a lesson last night. It is pretty challenging when you get to it, Kudos to you for these recordings. I liked the electric version although tend to agree it had a little too much effect, it did mask some of the complexity. With the acoustic you are out there with nothing to hide behind. Great job and I will persevere for a while even if my first instinct is this is too hard. Focus on individual strings is something I need to get much better at.
As for words, I think this is one of those songs with lots of words written to it. I am a little mentally scarred after being on a coach to a heavy rock concert (can’t remember who) for about 3 hours each way, with a person clearly under the influence singing some version of the chorus for the whole way… it was a long long time ago but still a vivid memory.
Great you’re getting into Greensleeves. I still play it, although maybe just every week or two not every day anymore. And still stuff it up . It’s a great song to learn loads of techniques. You’re right, it does seem too hard when you start. Just do it a couple of bars at a time, and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Honestly my first attempt at doing rolling chords I thought they were insanely hard and wondered if it was even possible for me to do them. I felt really disillusioned. Took daily practice for a week to even be able to do them. I still stuff them up too. The single note melodies were hard too, kept using the wrong fingers… that’s a lot better now though, just repeat, repeat, repeat and you will get there!
just up from the basement after practicing, I printed the PDF, went through the video step by step and managed to play each section slowly. At that point I stopped to avoid frustration, as you say I will get there slowly.
Here is what my Greensleeves is like now as requested by Rogier. I haven’t practiced it for a long time but I do still play it now and again. I had to do a few run throughs to remember it… far from perfect with some dud notes etc.
That was great, JK. I especially noticed what I think is called the rolled chord technique or something like that. And there’s one stretchy bit that makes me resist an impulse to committing myself to learning it … I’m such a
I assume you recorded this with your phone. I notice the soundlevel is really low, so much so I had to stop crank up the headphone volume on my 2i2 and restart. It’s not a big issue, provided I remember to turn back down again or the next listen can be an ear-blaster.
Perhaps also step a bit further back from the phone. I always like to see the whole head and guitar. Plus one can enjoy the beauty of an Aussie garden in summer sunshine while enjoying your performance.
Of course neither of those comments are material to your playing, on that I can say nothing as it sounded good to me.
Oh yes, you’ll notice I was abusing my moderator powers. Had I not been curious I might have missed this addition, rememebering that I’d watched and commented on the electric version (at least I think I did ). So I amended the title and added a link in the OP for the benefit of those who may come later when the acoustic addition is buried in the thread among all the other replies.
Thanks for checking it out David. Yep, it was on the phone. Kids were creating chaos inside so went out the back in the scorching sun. Good tips on the video and sound… perhaps I’ll end up getting a phone mic (GAS striking again). I usually edit on the PC but this one I just uploaded straight from my phone.
Give it a go and learn it. I found it plenty tricky but with enough practice it sticks and the stretchy bit isn’t that stretchy in the grand scheme of things.
No probs on renaming the thread either, I wouldn’t usually go and revive an old thread but Rogier asked for an update and seemed to make sense to post here rather than somewhere else.
No worries, maaate
I figured as much re the phone. I’ve also done some uploads direct for convenience sake, but those are usually recordings of me playing electric in my work-room through my amp and my issue is clipping as the amp volume is too hot for the phone to handle. Now I generally try to curb both my enthusiasm to get something posted and ‘laziness’ to do any post-processing and edit the audio prior to posting. Super simple to do in Reaper, which can re-render the video with an adjusted audio.
I am slightly tongue-in-cheek. Now I am slowly getting back to practice, rather than just playing songs for fun and preparation for either a Community OM or the OM at the local music club where I play once a month (no recordings so no postings). My next is to be smooth, (near) error-free on Happy Birthday. Then after that perhaps Greensleeves a good next though maybe a big jump in what it’ll take to learn and ‘perfect’ (ie get to the level of performance that I am OK with which is a continent away from ‘perfection’).
I think reviving an old thread, to typically play an improved version is OK. As I just wrote in reply to a conversation in a Traveler AVOYP, adding to an existing or creating a new, have the same impact IMHO on the busyiness and user experience of AVOYP. So if it is logical, revive, and an edit to the title can help folk to know what to expect.
As for scorching, the other night after guitar practice I found it necessary to take a swim before getting on the bed for rad and sleep … at 09h30pm.
Hi JK,
How good to read that my question is your command …
Nicely done
and really great to see and hear that you have progressed so much
, I liked the notes and rolling chords… in the keeping on time with the transitions, there is still profit to be made.
That’s also the biggest problem for me, and if I play it once 100% in the right time, there are muted / wrong notes and the rolling chords i messed up
And how much better does an acoustic sound with this song than with my electric one,…so I’ll keep practicing for a few more days.
And I can still buy time by “cutting in my fingers”
(which I also did a bit last week so I’m not going to defy Karma any further now
Completely agree with what David says about recording in the garden and all good things… Enne @DavidP What about you outside recording there in that beautiful warm country?
Greetings and all the best from your humble follower Roger
Nice job JK. Certainly got that rolling chord action boxed off. Something I’m working on before I attempt this one. Sticking to Dead Thumb Delta Blues for the moment !
Nice JK. I’m working on this one too. I mostly feel alright about the rolling chords but some of my transitions are still lagging behind. Especially the 1-4 stretch on the E. And getting that third string to ring out properly in the F barre has been troublesome. Despite those challenges I find it a pretty fun tune to play, it’s kind of relaxing.
I was also shocked by the idea of it having lyrics!
That sounded really good to me, JK. Far beyond my level and current abilities, so no constructive feedback but always interesting what’s coming up in the next grade and how others master the tasks. Greetings from the Alps with a snowy surrounding and freezing temperatures
Wow! Okay, things to aspire to! Nicely played JK, really enjoyed that acoustic version, sounded great!
Haven’t got to this yet and it looks intimidating!
Keen to try it though, like Brendan said, it seems like it would be soothing to play
I do sometimes sit outside to play, Roger, but my acoustic recordings are generally made in the Playroom (my designated name for the Home Studio, which is equally apt for my son, the gamer). And recordings made with a phone of practice, loodles, and noodles are made in the Workroom, where my amp now sits. So if you really want to see, it’ll have to be pictures or a guided tour of the garden with a voice over … you don’t really want that … my garden is not that special
Well, I certainly want to see a bit more of the area where you live, Dusssss
I’ll settle for some pictures, . but I see a documentary about the country/nature where you are living once a week +/-, and it’s so beautiful, and the weather I read from JK and you playing in the sun, Andrea in the mountains with snow, and we are sitting here in the middle of it, nothing like that at all
Oh well, I wish you all the beauty, but feel free to share the images, make me " jealous"
That sounds lovely Jk! Your rolling chords both look and sound very accurate The work on the fretting hand is not less challenging and it seems to me you’re accurate there too. Big thumbs up from my part
Hi JK, it’s always so interesting to see other people’s progress. And yes, there is definitely progress to hear .
Oh man, this song doesn’t sound/look easy to play. And, to be honest, I’ve never heard about rolling chords before. So I’m really curious to learn them, once I’ve reached this level in my guitar journey .
And so fantastic to get a glimpse of your summery garden , while here - on the other side of the world - I spent hours of playing and sleighing in the snow with my boys, today
JK man that was terrific! You really progressed it well ahead and your rolling chords are really there! your guitar sounded lovely I do feel this song is better suited to acoustic and/or classical guitar and yours sounded so bright, almost like it was the sun itself playing it
all the best!
JK, With the right USB adapter and power you can use your Focusright with your phone. I have an iphone and needed the official Iphone adapter (USB3.0 and lightning)