Elton John's Your Song Cover

Hi folks - it’s been a while since I posted or done a virtual open mic. I noticed I was too focused on getting the songs perfect in the moment which was taking too much of the enjoyment out of it for me. So I’ve been mainly focusing on practicing, still trying to get one song per month “performance ready” enough to publish here and on YouTube in order to track my progress.

My goal is to post about one per month to YouTube (I usually skip AVOYP if I’m also diong an open mic for the song because I don’t want to over post here) this is my 11th this year so that gives me 11 days to get one more in :slight_smile: !

Anyway here’s the latest addition to my repertoire (songs that I’ve posted online and that I try to always keep “performance ready” by regularly practicing them to keep them fresh and improving). This was was especially challenging for me given the fun piano chords - that was one reason I wanted to tackle it though. As you see I still have room to grow with this one. My goal with posting is more to mark a milestone of - ok I can actually play and sing this one passably well at this point, knowing that in another 6 months or year it will be that much better.


Hey Jesse - nicely done, that’s not an easy song to play, especially with singing at the same time, and you did a great job. If it were me, I’d be tempted to slow it down just a touch to make some of those tricky changes a bit smoother - I think you can get away with being a bit looser with the rhythm on a tune like this one.

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Well done Jesse, well played. Not easy to transfer a piano song onto guitar. Some nice fingerstyle playing there especially difficult when playing those more difficult chords. You did a good job on the vocal too.
Yes with more work you’ll improve your performance of this song but it’s already at a pretty good level.

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Great stuff Jesse!!
Sounded great to me. Great played and sung! Cant be more perfect than that! :grin:

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Jesse, good job, some of the chords are not easy. I find it difficult to sing with this while playing. Thanks for sharing.

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Nice work Jesse. Both playing and singing were really good. Thumbs up from me :+1:

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Hi Jesse, that was great, given how difficult it looked very nicely played and sung. Enjoyable relaxing listen on my train home admiring all the chord grips you were able to fit in. :clap::clap::clap:

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Hello Jesse, oh you can be so proud of you :smiley:. This seems to be a very challenging tune (playing as well as singing), and you did so well on it. In most cases, I’ve no idea, what chords you’ve played. And there were so many of them. I take my hat, mister. Very impressive :+1::clap:!

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Doing great Jesse. Good to see you stopping back in the community.

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Good effort there Jesse, especially as it’s a piano orientated song.
You are completely right in taking the approach of revisiting repertoire periodically. It’s amazing sometimes the improvement that comes that way. So much better than going at one song like a dog at a bone
Have a great Christmas and hope you get song #12 down by the 31st! No pressure :sweat_smile:

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Wow thank you everyone for your kind words - so fun to see so many familiar faces / voices and some new ones as well! I’m definitely chugging along with guitar and will be sure to keep better contact and make my way into an upcoming open mic!

As for the feedback - appreciate everyone’s encouragement and also the suggestions to slow it down a bit to nail some of the trickier changes. This recording was made after 2 days of ptacticing to metronome which made me immediately realize my timing was all over the place and I was speeding up in the middle of each measure and rushing the changes. So that really helped me slow down and work things out. That and practicing “one minute changes” back and forth on some of the trickier chords - lots and lots of minutes doing that!

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Tricky tune on the guitar, I love your voice with it, really nice!

Nicely done, this is a great song for your vocal register too!

Early on I was not a big fan of EJ. But like others, I grew to appreciate them and their work. You did a good job on this and it was a good listen.

All the best,