Eric Clapton - Layla cover

Tremendous job! Great mix of backing to fill in those key spots.

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I did not know this.

From Wikipedia:
“Clapton’s nickname of “Slowhand” came from Giorgio Gomelsky, a pun on the slow handclapping that ensued when Clapton stopped playing while he replaced a string. In December 1964, Clapton made his first appearance at the Royal Albert Hall in London, with the Yardbirds.”

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Insanely good, Kasper! :exploding_head: :star_struck: Although wouldn’t have expected anything else :wink: :sweat_smile: Sensational playing! Like others have said, it might as well have been Clapton himself playing, absolute pro level goodness, Sir! :clap: :astonished: :star2:

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Very interesting, I didn’t know either! So perhaps more slow at changing strings than slow with his playing. These days I guess he can afford to bring a spare guitar :wink:

Absolutely brilliant! May I know how long you play guitar?

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And this is why we all joined Justin’s guitar.
Going from struggling to hold down a chord, to eventually doing something like this. Keep on strumming man :+1: totally luvin it :+1: