Eric Clapton - Layla cover

Hi there!

I finally found time to work on a new cover. This time I worked on my favorite version of Layla, based on a live recording that Clapton did in the Royal Albert Hall in 1991. I think his playing was on fire during those shows!
As per usual I only did the guitar parts, and played over stems for the rest of the song.

The solo is actually a lot harder than what one might expect from a Clapton tune. Slow hand my a$$… some of those licks are damn hard to pull of, also due to the way he phrases them. Lots of difficult string changes that makes picking awkward. I’m 95% satisfied with my rendition of it… I think there are still some parts that sounds a little bit stiff, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on it.

Anyways, hope you’ll like it!


Hi Kasper,
My wife was sitting right next to me and had a hard time believing that this was being played by an amateur…so did I by the way :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap:


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Wow really good . Sounds like some time was put into this song . I wish I had time for guitar like that.

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Fantastic Kasper. You are right, he was on fire. Sounds like they upped the tempo on the studio version. Love the vocal as well. Your tone and playing, well as pro as always.

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Wow! Amazing! It does sound like there was some time spent on this. Great job! Loved it :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Great :exclamation:Amazing :exclamation:Inspiring. Thanks for sharing :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Hey Kasper,
Great song choice to cover. Great job in doing it. Your tone(s) in this are spot on. The play as I know it was that as well. Nice mix to the backing track(s) as your contributions fit right in. I like the whole effort and are glad you posted it!

Be well and play on,

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Awesome! Musicality in every note, every phrase, every word. One of the best performances I’ve heard on here.


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wow, really good! and inspiring!

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Superb! I absolutely would not have known that was not Clapton playing (it’s not is it? :rofl:)

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Wow, simply wow! :clap:

That was just brilliantly played, Kasper! I wouldn’t have guessed it was not Slowhand himself playing. :exploding_head:





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Awesome Kaspar (& I don’t use the word Awesome lightly)!!!
Really good rendition of a VERY RECOGNIZABLE Classic!!!
The issue with playing songs that everyone knows is that your mistakes really stand out… I didn’t hear a single one!!!
Great performance!!!


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I suspect Eric may have made more mistakes than Mr Fauerby !


Great stuff Kasper, really nicely played and definitely worth the effort in doing it! Yes I agree 100% about “slow hand” :laughing: I don’t know which foolish person named him that! I have always shied away from doing any of his stuff, it looks like it could be relatively easy until you get going on it, then you get the “rude awakening”!
So what next?

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You put on quite a show, Kasper, your guitar playing is smokin’ for sure!

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Thanks a lot for the listens and nice comments! Much appreciated :slight_smile:


Hello Kasper! Great cover of one of Clapton’s best songs! Great guitars, and of course the solo guitar part sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing! :clap: :+1:


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Right on Kasper!

Very well done for sure.

If you wouldn’t have said it was you playing guitar, I’d have thought I was listening to EC.
Dig the feedback at the end. Cool.

Thanks for sharing.

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This is over the top amazing Kaspar! I don’t know what to say other than :clap::fire:!

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