ERP. EBP. NGD... Well....Nearly

Ooh, which one Mark, post a pic :slight_smile:

That’s indeed a beautiful guitar. I love the color and the binding! Happy almost NGD :smiley:

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The picture doesn’t do the finish justice, Cobra Blue Tele… I need to figure out what goal I’m going to set myself where this can be the reward!! :wink: :rofl:


That blue looks fantastic, checked site it looks a touch metallic.! although I’m not a fan of tele’s, that’s not to bad lol.

I must say, I disagree with only getting nice things when you achieve a goal. There’s a very nice flipside to that, having nice things makes you persistent to a goal, or does with me anyway lol.


Life’s too short to wait Imo


@Libitina @RobDickinson
Just my way of doing things, and I’m not that rigid with the goal as I put it, but I like to treat it as a milestone kind of thing!
You’re right Rachel, it’s a metallic finish, just wait until I next get to Guildford, I can see myself loving it in the flesh even more. The acid test will be playing it of course! But I’ve liked most Fenders that I’ve tried.
Hope you don’t have to wait too long for that Heritage to be in your hands :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Hi Mark, May I suggest you also check out the EART T style and compare the specs, you might be surprised. :smiley:


I’ve spied your thread Mal, does seem a hell of a lot of guitar!! It’ll be under consideration too, I’ve been tempted by thin lines before!


Happy NGD, Rachel! :smiley:

What a beauty - hope the two of you will be together soon! :slight_smile:

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A few pics. She is stunning.


Happy NGD Rachel. That is one tasty looking guitar. I love the colour. Looking forward to hearing you play it and I hope it brings you many years of guitar happiness.

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That pic was in store yesterday afternoon, last pics taken this morning.

The photos do not do this justice, the dark colour is actually more red than these show on my screen even with colour correction lol.

Time for my practice :slight_smile:


PS. No more Pics, Promise :slight_smile:


Looks super Rachel, have fun !

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So I managed to get an hour in today on my new guitar and I’m a little taken aback I must say.

The action in incredibly low, almost a little to low lol. The neck feels great, smooth and slim but the binding is a little sharp. I dont mean overhanging frets, just the edge of the binding isn’t rolled much so feels a little bit different to my Les Paul.

It’s still acclimatising as the strings are going a little sharp each day, another day or so should be fine.

It sounds bright with a little twang , if that makes sense lol… Demo soon.



You can raise the action a bit I’m sure, not everyone wants it super low.

As for sharp, the transition between binding and fretboard?

You can roll that with a screw driver shaft/socket or something or even lightly sand it but I’m surprised a guitar like this hasn’t already had this sorted tbh

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Yes, I will see what I can do in a few weeks when the guitar has settled I think.


A few years ago, 3 now I think. I got a brand new Reverend.
While it don’t have binding, I for sure felt the same way your feeling about the sharp edge of the fretboard. And like you, not overhanging frets.
Perhaps give it some play time.
I did nothing about my sharp edge and over time, the edge don’t seem so sharp anymore.
1, either I got used to it, which I don’t think I did.
2, or just playing it and over time, the edge has become less sharp. This is what I think happened with mine.

The sharp edge on mine never really effected my playing I didn’t think. And after that amount of time, either I’m just used to it, or, the edge really has softened (rolled) over the time of playing it.
Don’t know if that will work when ya got binding or not?

Just food for thought.

I’m looking forward to hearing that.
That seems like the kinda guitar that I could really get into.

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I thought I had already commented Rachel but maybe in a different thread???
Regardless, you have an absolutely gorgeous new guitar!!! I would go so far as to say that in your gear choices, you show impressive taste!!!


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So for anyone who want to hear how the Heritage 535 sounds, this is Pink Houses again lol :roll_eyes: through the Boss Katana 50 with Reverb, Delay through the crunch channel recorded straight into Studio one with the App playing and exported as a wav.

I like what I hear, nice n mellow :slight_smile:
Sorry no vid, I forgot to turn it on. :joy:

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That sounds really nice Rachel. :ok_hand:

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