ES-335 nut fell out while changing strings

I was doing a routine string change on my Epiphone ES-335 and the nut popped out when I tightened the low E string.

Do I just glue it back in with some gorilla glue or equivalent? Does it need TLC from a luthier?


Mine came loose on my PRS SE Hollowbody. I just put it back into the slot, strung up the guitar, and everything was fine.

I plan to re-glue mine at the next string change, just so I don’t lose it. Most feedback I’ve received says that all you need is a small amount of Titebond wood glue or simple Elmer’s white glue (like we used in school).

The glue isn’t needed for structural strength, just to keep it in position between string changes.


I had this happen before Ashu and I just placed it back in and the strings held it in position. Perhaps this wasn’t best practice but it worked just fine for me.


Nuts are usually not glued in or with very little glue.


I recommend a tiny dab of Elmer’s style or Wood glue on the ends to hold it in place. Not a lot of glue, just enough to make sure it is stable. If you try the no-glue method you will have it fall out every string change and there is a good chance it will slide around during playing. I had one nut come loose and it would slide out of place with string bends. I used a toothpick to apply some wood glue and it hasn’t been loose since.


Thanks guys - helpful, and reassuring!

I will try a dab of wood glue - looks like it was glued in before, there’s some residue on the bottom of the nut and the slot.

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See if it still fits perfectly or if the residue possibly doesn’t let it seat perfectly together. Then it’s better to remove the residue carefully.

When nuts come off here, I often leave them unglued as I don’t change strings all that often. For me, it’s rare that the nut slides sidewards, but it’s certainly possible.


Ashu it needs a little bit of wood glue the glues we use can be softened so they can be renewed etc, but just a little touch with wood glue will do it no harm at all Cheers Hec

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I echo what is said here; just a bit of wood glue. If needed, a bit of sanding to remove the old glue.

Nothing to worry about!

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I recommend a wood glue like Titebond “Original” if possible. It will release with heat, whereas there Premium and others may not. If you are using very little glue it probably won’t be an issue though.


This one!

Follow up: As you guys said, a dab of wood glue and letting it set for a few hours did the trick. :+1:

(At first I didn’t wait long enough before playing and bending the strings, and that shifted the nut up towards the low E… after a quick adjustment and a few hours of waiting, it’s all good!)

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