Eurovision 2023

Arenā€™t some people just annoying?

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Eh wellā€¦I do agreeā€¦Sanremoā€™s Festival was disgusting this year as it went around a political thing that Iā€™m not gonna mention, so tv shows and news and newspapers all leading the public opinion to that subject instead of talking about musicā€¦so I guess it will be even more in the Eurovision especially :zipper_mouth_face:

But I donā€™t care about thatā€¦what I wanted to point out is that the italian song is so cool and I espect other songs from other countries to be good tooā€¦a friend told me that the swedish song is cool as well!

ā€¦After giving it a listenā€¦why does it remind me so much about The winner takes it all by Abba? :thinking::joy:

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A very nice plan indeed! Have a good journey and let us know about the showsā€¦especially how you will like the italian song!

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You Go Girlā€¦ :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :laughing:
This is the first year that I will look at the positions/points with a great interest for Italy and a big smile, thanks for that :smiley: :sunglasses: :wave:

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You go Rogier! :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

This is the right spiritā€¦letā€™s just care about the good vibes of music and send to the hell all the dirty stuff :100::+1::notes::guitar::love_you_gesture:

Thanks to youā€¦for being always so nice to me :blush::blush::blush:

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Rogier this is not bad at allā€¦I think. Only one thing seems very wrong: why a cover?! And why a song by another countryā€™s band?! :thinking:
Btw I find The Maneskin to be a very talented band and this song very beautiful :blush:

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This is certainly not wrong :sweat_smile:, but a studio version of a song that they are not going to do at the Eurovision song contest,ā€¦now I know very little or nothing about it, but covers are still forbidden at the contestā€¦the song they would do is the one I posted and they have since changed it In power and tune (that was also on the serious news :confounded:)ā€¦ BTW I wish them all the best and that of course for all participants who behave a bit decently(social) at home and there :smile:ā€¦
But now I really have to stop with the Eurovision song contest because soon I will really follow it and like it too and then all borders will be lost and I will swim straight to that island :laughing:

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Nowā€¦didnā€™t I tell you?! :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl::crazy_face::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:

Greetings from Liverpool




Oh wowā€¦Have fun!

A couple of pints in (of red wine, donā€™t ask) and


Thereā€™s some good acts, and some dreadful stuff, and some classic, weird Eurovision moments.

But the staging and production is incredible.

Now, excuse me, Rita Ora is on.



What about the Finnish entry then? :grinning: I donā€™t like the song much, but itā€™s so clever and that guy has so much charisma that Finland does actually have potential to win the whole thing :grinning: Hey, and at least the message of the song is really nice.

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The Finnish song was epic: we all sung along. But it was also pure Eurovision.



Surely :grinning: Itā€™s so silly that there actually has to be a lot of planning and Eurovision strategy behind it.

And the message can be applied to so many situations. If you want to dance but are to shy to do so because you are afraid what people might think, trust in yourself, and dance if it makes you happy. Simply stop worrying how people might react, just dance :sunglasses:


Back for the live semi-final this evening. Currently enjoying refreshments in Liverpool.




Hi Nicoleā€¦Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t like the song either, but itā€™s a fun one to danceā€¦and dancing is fun :star_struck: Iā€™m happy to hear that it has a positive messageā€¦what is it a about?

Holiday time Keith! Good to hear youā€™re all having fun over there. I could follow just a little bit of the show on YouTube streaming the other day and loved to see all the different countries together and see the exultance of who passed to the final.

I also checked a few videosā€¦I have to say @LievenDV and @LadyOfTheCastle that I enjoyed Belgiumā€™s entry, it has the good groove of a dance song of the 90s, not too bad to hear nowadays!

But the song which got me completely in is Estoniaā€™sā€¦it might be the piano or the very beautiful lyrics :heart_eyes: Itā€™s of course a matter of personal taste.

Now Iā€™m wondering what the thoughts of my friend Rogier are insofar? @roger_holland could you follow the first semi final?


Hi Silvia,
:smiley:ā€¦I just had something better to do at the time of broadcastingā€¦driving into a wall and again and again :laughing:ā€¦nooo,something different ,i did see a day later on the news a very short compilation,I managed good without I saw :sweat_smile: ā€¦ and certainly the Dutch were well, I heard that despite many adjustments the singing was still not good (the Belgian ā€œbossā€ also said that very subtly)ā€¦ but just to be clear, I am Jealous of Keith and also of 4 friends of mine who are there on Saturday, the very sweet, lovely, friendly pink gay drag atmosphere that also hanging on this festival is really great :partying_face: ā€¦ most concerts are full of relaxed people, but this one is the crown on top,at least that is what I see and been told to me over the yearsā€¦
Andā€¦ GO ITALY :sunglasses:
Ciao Carissimi,

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@roger_holland Ciao Carissimo, I hope you didnā€™t really drive into a wall :astonished::flushed: Noā€¦it was a jokeā€¦I hopeā€¦

Me too! Live Music is Live Music and such a contest and showā€¦

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:joy: :rofl: :joy:ā€¦Iā€™m really laughing out loud nowā€¦ of course a joke :blush:

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