Eurovision 2023

Hi guys and girls, Iā€™m at the moment listening to this song (like 20 times in a row :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) that will partecipate to the Eurovision contest this year. It already won Sanremoā€™s Festival, the most important songs contest here, you know, that kind of event that gathers us all italians in front of telly for about a weekā€¦
I was curious to know about other countriesā€™ songsā€¦any from your own country that you really like?

This is the link to Marco Mengoniā€™ s ā€˜Due viteā€™ andā€¦no matter how complex a song this one is Iā€™m crazy enough and Iā€™m learning it :grin::heart_eyes::sweat_smile:


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:
It has been here on the eight oā€™clock news and serious newspapers how badly(out of tune) our candidates sing couple of times after many months of practiceā€¦I believe they sang a somewhat simplified version on Friday and that it can now be heard without too many bad mistakes ā€¦I have many friends and acquaintances that loves this festivalā€¦ I donā€™t like this semi-political festival ā€¦of course I wish everyone who loves it a great time :sunglasses:ā€¦

Ps:your man can sing much betterā€¦heā€™s not going to be last :grin:

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But this canā€™t be possible! Arenā€™t there decent artists nei Paesi Bassi?! ā€¦uh forgive me, my english fails me sometimes :see_no_evil:

What?! ā€œMy manā€ wonā€™t be last?! Heā€™s going to win because his song is terrific! In the video heā€™s singing just after knowing he had won Sanremo, can you hear the emotion in his voice? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

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As far as Iā€™ve heard/read, expectations arenā€™t very high for our candidate, to put it mildly. Might be battling it out for last place with the Dutch one :sunglasses:

No, really bad ā€¦ the modified version seems to be a little oke, but you can hear the uncertainty (I myself have not heard more than the most out of tune pieces)ā€¦
And actually I also think the Italian song is a bit standard (sorry sorry sorry :innocent:) and not really super original :blush:ā€¦ but that says more about my taste than about your artist :blush:ā€¦ And hi Els, @LadyOfTheCastle I thought you were Dutch tooā€¦poor memoryā€¦so I see a neighbor .

But since Italy is my 2nd home I say forza Italy :sweat_smile:

Watch outā€¦ this can cause permanent damage

Thatā€™s why youā€™ll be forgiven for calling it ā€œa bit standardā€ :crazy_face::joy::grin:

Where are you from Els? @LadyOfTheCastle

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From here

a Dutch tributeā€¦

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I had a listen Rogier and I think youā€™re too severe a judge! Butā€¦that is standardā€¦ and I agree ā€˜my manā€™ can do better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What!?! That must be the most insulting thing you can say to a Belgian :rofl:

Hi Silvia, Iā€™m from Belgium :belgium:


Eurovision is a subject that can be probably qualified as a political discussion over here :rofl::rofl:, therefore I will not rip into how my home countryā€™s decision wasnā€™t at all rigged and politically biased, all I will say is that if by any chance Poland reaches final (which I highly doubt) they will be the embarrassment of this yearā€™s contest with 0 points on their account. Absolutely shocking choice of a songā€¦

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I havenā€™t been following it at all.

But I will be going to both the semi-finals, courtesy of my daughter, who lives nearby.



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Hello Els :hugs:

This sounds so the same as many other songs in this genreā€¦That is a weird choice I thinkā€¦

Ahā€¦noisy neibourghs! But you might consider yourself lucky you have a more than excellent excuse to be indulgent!

Orā€¦are you going to the live shows?



I have a brief visit to the UK, cramming in a bunch of stuff including ringing for the coronation, a local beer festival, then travelling North to stay with my eldest daughterā€™and her husband where I will be visiting my parents as well as attending the two Eurovision shows before flying back.

Iā€™m sure it will be an experience.



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Our Gustaph is going to do OK. Not top 3 but OK :smiley:

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Havenā€™t watched such thing since the 80ā€™s :joy: :joy: :joy: Was called something else back then as I remember, not sure though :joy:

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I think the UK had those for many a year. :smiley:

Not my bag and itā€™s all to political any way and has nothing to do with the quality of music, in my opinion of course.

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O,so you forgot the year of 2019??? :thinking:

here is an official reaction on behalf of the entire musical world to this fantastic year when the dutch winā€¦

:see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


Oh yes, thereā€™s always some sort of ā€œpoliticalā€ slant involved in the talk about Eurovision here in Hungary as well, most of them bollocks though. Iā€™ve never met anyone (yet) who watched it regularly and discussed it in musical/showbiz terms.

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