This was done in one take and I’ve not watched it back. Comments and critique welcome.
Nicely done! Pleasant vocal and steady strumming . Cool touch with knocking guitar’s body. But if I may, half of your head is missing
Good stuff Stefan and well done for joining the ‘one take’ gang. You looked pretty relaxed and that’s half the battle.
The guitar was overpowering the vocal a bit so my suggestion is to move your mic/phone a bit higher up so that it’s more equidistant between mouth and guitar. I know from personal experience it’s quite difficult to get the balance right when going for a one take.
Lovely steady strumming (&knocking) and vocal was great. Well done.
Very nice job and tone/quality sounds very good. Much more relaxed than the Mumford one. Nice clean strumming and great vocal. You clearly enjoy playing this one! As Gordon said a little rebalancing between the Vocal and Guitar needed but nothing that isn’t easy to sort out.
That was great Stefan clearly visible that you are very comfortable with the song, sounds superb especially for a one take! All the best.
That was great Stefan, you seem to be growing in confidence, which is one of the benefits of this process, Solid throughout and loved the percussion elements. Well done
Sounding so good, Stefan. Can’t add to the comments, just the
Next up is the Community OM …
Well done stefan. It was an enjoyable listen. Look forward to the next one
Well done Stefan, nothing at all to be critical about with your singing and playing, the only thing I do think is that your guitar was a bit louder than it could be, it might be where your vocals mic is, or if you’re just using the one mic maybe try it a bit nearer you.
Nicely performed, Stefan. Really liked the percussive use of the guitar’s body in this. I haven’t done that in this song, but I think it works well so I may steal it.
As far as critique, I might slow it down just a touch. In some sections I got a little bit of a “rushed” vibe. That might make it easier to hit that descending bass thing you were going for, too. (Nice job continuing on through that part without missing a beat, by the way.)
Well done, Stefan. A big round of applause from me, that was very well performed. I wasn’t really that familiar with the song. Now, I’ve got the tune in my head. I’m going to have to check that one out. Keep up the progress; you’re doing well mate.
Stefan, that was really nice. You look and sound very comfortable while performing. I agree with Darrell that maybe the guitar could be pulled back a bit but that’s a minor nit. A really nice performance. Time to talk to DavidP about doing a virtual open mic?? TFP.
Thank you everyone for the listen and the feedback, it is really appreciated. It’s a song I loved back in 88 and one I still love now, it’s such a great tune.
I’m still using my mobile phone at the moment until I’ve sorted a stand for my condenser mic, that should hopefully sort that issue out.
@oldhead49 Dave, I’m already signed up to the OM.
Nicely done, Stefan. You’ve come across as being very comfortable singing and playing which is always great when it happens that way.
Very nice Stefan, playing and vocals both. It will get nice when you sort out your mic to balance the levels a bit. Vocals did get louder as you went along though. Great song, and I really like your cover.
Knockin’ on Stefan’s door…
Great stuff, mate. That was super cool, relaxed strumming action. Great performance with solid vocals on top. You’ve got the right approach play > performance > technology
It can be difficult giving feedback on a performance because you never want to discourage them by saying anything negative. Your performance had nothing negative about it. Well done. I wish I could play with such fluidity and class,
Hey Stefan, that was great! Poison was one of my favorite bands when I was a teenager and I saw them on their Open Up and Say Ah tour. Awesome to see you post a cover of this song.
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback. It’s always good to hear it, be it good or bad, when you are learning alone.