Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. Lesson

Learn to play Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. | JustinGuitar

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What is the difference between the full barre chords and the power chords? I can’t get the images to load under chord grips. Can I look this up in the site? I know and can play the full barre chords. I don’t know the powe chords.

Welcome to the Community, Linda.

Here’s the lesson (first lesson in Module 12, Grade 2) on power chords Power Chords | JustinGuitar.com

In a nutshell a power chord is similar to the full barre, you just play the lowest 2 or 3 strings and mute/don’t play the high strings.

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Hello @LindaJoyce and welcome to the community.
Follow the link David shows for a power chords lesson.
For this song you need:

I hope that helps.
Cheers :smiley:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Moderator, Guide & Approved Teacher

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Thanks so much DavidP, I am looking forward to giving it a go!

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I’m learning this song fingerstyle, but I have a problem setting the BPM in the TimeTrainer app.
If I indicate 6:8 time signature (2 beats - 3 divisions) and 94 bpm in the app, the tempo seems too fast compared to the original song.

I have no problems setting the 4:4 time signature for other songs but don’t seem to get it right for 6:8. Is there anything I’m overlooking?
Thanks for any help.

Hello @BirgitP

6/8 on a metronome can cause confusion.

In 6/8 there are two main pulses, on beats 1 and 4.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Each of these six beats is an eighth.
two eighths = a quarter
three eighths = a dotted quarter
A dotted against a note / beat extends its duration by half again.

If the tempo is given as 94bpm, you need to know if this is the bpm for quarter notes.
That would mean a tempo of 188bpm if considering eighths.
Divide that by three to get the tempo for the dotted quarter (between 62 and 63 bpm).
Try the metronome at 62 or 63 (for two beats per bar).

I hope that helps.

Cheers :smiley:

| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Moderator, Guide & Approved Teacher

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Thank you for the explanation, Richard.
It took me a while but I think I finally understand. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for these. Justin mentions a G power chord with a B base towards the end of the bridge. Do you have a chord diagram for that? I keep pausing it on the video but can’t quite work it out. Or it’s such a stretch I can’t convince myself it’s correct lol.

Play a C power chords rooted on the 5th string at fret 3.
Hold fingers 3 (and 4 if it is also used in your power chord) at fret 5 and stretch back to place your index finger at fret 2.

Ok great. Thanks Richard.

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@BirgitP do you remember what settings you went with in Justin’s TimeTrainer app? 64bpm and 2:1 or 2:3 beats and divisions? It would be a nice feature of the app to be able to enter the given tempo of a song (say 94) and when the time signature is switched to 3/4 make the appropriate adjustments.

Great lesson Justin.
Any alternatives for the G with B base power chord in the bridge?
That is a big stretch for me

power chords only use two fingers eg first finger on the 3rd fret of the low E string 3rd finger on the 5th fret of the A string is a G power chord or G5 if you move this shape to the 5th fret it is a A power chord A5 move it to the first fret its a F power chord F5 you can use 3 fingers tuck the little finger behind the 3rd on the D string all you need to do is move the shape this is a 6 string root move it down and you have a 5th string root so G would be C and so on only strum the fretted strings and mute the others with the first finger laying across them

Hey @Weeman, so I had a look at the video and when Justin says “G with a B bass”, he actually plays a C (power chord) with a B bass, which is the correct chord (I assume).

That said, the C/B played as Justin plays it is probably also a stretch for you, in which case you can play an open C chord, with a B in the bass: x22010. This leads nicely to the Am that follows.

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Thanks JJW, that sounds quite good.
I was trying to play x255XX. I’m still a beginner and can’t see how I can ever play that!

Indeed, it’s very stretchy.

BTW, another alternative would be to play a 2-finger C power chord, but using your index finger and your pinky. Then you can reach back with the index finger to get the B note, while holding the pinky in place on the 4th string. Not exactly easy for a beginner, but easier than the 3-finger version.

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Great into into fingerstyle! When playing E-minor, since we’re only playing strings 1,2,3, and 6, do the fingers even need to be on the second fret for strings 4 and 5? Seems like I just skip right over them? I guess it’s good practice to have them there, but I wonder if I’m missing something.

Hi @scottyja, this is one of my favorites as well! Regarding that Emin - I think it’s best to fret the chord. After all, it is in the song. You might some day decide you want to change the picking pattern, and need strings 4 or 5. Or maybe you want to incorporate some strumming at some point. You wouldn’t want to have to learn to actually fret the Emin in order to accommodate that!