Everybody Hurts Cover

Thanks Craig! Definitely a song I love playing and continue to have it in my warm up rotation, I’m curious when you say there’s stuff you missed out on and would be interested to hear your own rendition sometime. Appreciate the listen and comments :+1:

Hi Mark,
I’ve never really recorded myself and certainly never put it online for everyone to see :grimacing:

But I just sat and played along with your video, (which I must say was fun) and mainly In the beginning where it is D G D G etc I am using a G without the 2nd string (D).

Then after the step down at the end of the G chord I go to an E and pick 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 before changing to the A chord. So I have never played the 6 3 2 1 2 3 picking pattern with the repeating step down (which I actually really like, and I think is original) but I do like it with the E chord so now I’m messing with the two approaches :thinking:

Can appreciate that Craig, no worries on that front! It’s worth doing form time to time just for yourself (don’t worry about posting anything out there if you’re not comfortable with it!). It’s useful to watch yourself to actually get a listeners perspective, you’ll find that all those little mistakes you make while you’re playing you don’t really hear or notice when just listening back so it’s quite reassuring. And secondly it’s a really nice method to track your progress when you look back at recordings from 6, 8, 12 months prior.

I’m interested in your pattern there you’ve posted up, I think I’ll l give those a little go too, always fun to experiment!!

Have fun mate :metal: